


4 months, 23 days ago


Cweeper is determined to walk on two legs. Standing up and shakily walking around, arms out in front like a trex. It's hard to say what prompted this action... perhaps it was to simply reach up higher? They toddle around, looking rather pleased with themselves even if they look like they may fall over at any moment.

Despite being so shaky, they are rather silent when they waddle along, Only usually noticed if they look up and peep, giving a warning they are very slowly coming into the area!

Running is not something they can do yet, and will fall face first if they try to pick up the speed. This usually ends with them throwing a fit unless coddled. Once over and they are set back down, they go through great effort to stand again and creep about, sticking their wee paws into whatever they can reach.

As an adult they always are grabbing what they can, slinking around after people and often stalking targets so he can figure out what they have, and what he wants. Often time he delights in scaring those he follows along, finding it amusing as he creeps about. Sometimes he keeps at it for weeks if he finds the person interesting enough. He will take various items from them, and keep them in his collection. Cweeper just has favorite people! Sometimes they notice, sometimes they don't.
It depends on when he decides to let himself be seen.

The virus form is triggered by outside forces, some think it's the fear of those who he is stalking. He becomes lanky and shadow like, often sliding across the floor and snickering as he relentlessly chases the poor soul he has locked onto. He causes vertigo and panic of those he's after, other powers to note is he can change sizes, and slide under locked doors. It seems nothing can stop him when he's in virus formed and locked on.
Beware the creeper.