Kahbel Verdyn



4 months, 29 days ago


Kahbel Verdyn (Kuh-bell Veer-den) a company owner and influencer who treats their company like a cult where they are the center figure to be worshipped. Employee's reaching notable goals will be 'rewarded' by getting to join in on their entourage for a limited amount of time. Which actually means they attach you to a leash that's attached around their waist, and you better hope you can keep up.  Their voice and face are almost a near constant presence within Kahbel Tech (Yes of course they named the company after themself) doing company news broadcasts on screens placed around the building to boost morale (or make it worse if you're all doing a terrible time making them money).

There's also some mind control stuff even though they aren't a caste that really does that. (It's through their tech. Maybe they chip their employees or something idk.) I just didn't know how to bring it up in the bit above.