
7 months, 29 days ago


Gender: n/a (they/them)

Sexuality: (undecided)

Age: mentally 30's

Height: (undecided)

Species: Robot

Barber/The Barber is A partially destroyed pal max robot that wants to become a barber.

Barber was once a mindless drone of the robot uprising before getting hit by a car, damaging them greatly and knocking him out.

The next morning after the robots were defeated barber awoke surrounded by deactivated pal max bots. They look around for a bit before running into some humans. The human where angry at them (likely due to the previous attempted robot uprising) and chase them off. 

They hide in (what they thought was) and abandoned shed, but finds another occupant, Terry. Terry attempts to destroy the robot with a wooden spike, but can't due to guilt as the robot doesn't attempt to fight back.

The two end up forming a sort of friendship, both being sort of outcasts from society. They make the shed their home. After bringing back some discarded magazines for entertainment, the robot discovers one, likely found from a hair salon, about hair and hair styles and decides it wants to cut hair. Terry begrudgingly lets them try out on him, after helping attach a pair of scissors to their missing hand, since he hadn't had a haircut in a long while. The robot was surprisingly good at it, leading Terry to name him the barber, he also attaches a sticky note to their face to act as an expression.