Evan & Eve [WIP]



5 years, 10 months ago



【 Name 】Evan Strange
【 Called 】Evan Woodhull
【 Age 】16
【 D.o.B. 】January 20th
【 Gender 】Male【 Orientation 】A/Homosexual
【 Height 】5'7"【 Build 】Short and thin
【 Origin 】American【 Ethnicity 】German/Russian/U.S.
【 Role 】Student, Son, Drag Queen【 Alignment 】Homo Superiors
【 Status 】Resurrected/Ghost【 Theme 】SexxDreams - Lady Gaga

        Cocky, overly-confident, rigged with social anxiety and "somewhat" of a kleptomaniac, Evan is often quick to act and is impatient due to his enhanced speed and always being three steps ahead of everyone else. Evan often frets as he states he "always has to wait for everyone to catch up". He has a fast-paced manner of speaking and acting, which many mention frequently. Unlike many of his supernatural peers, Evan shows off his powers, even in public. is very anti-social and claims to hate everybody. Despite this, he has a very "tongue-in-cheek" sense of humor. In addition, Evan is a lover of music of various sorts, such as Jim Croce, Eurythmics, and Pink Floyd and listens to it every time he goes on a run. Furthermore, squidgy demeanor aside, Evan appears to have a consideration and value for life. For example, he will even save a goldfish from a dangerous situation and when his abusive ex-girlfriend, Miranda wished to abort their daughter, Ryan, he convinced her conceive and care for the child until she was born. Evan then went on his way and cared for Ryan while Miranda was absent. Personality: Spends most of his time in his room, sassy, likes video games and movies, very impatient, doesn't like the dark, full of himself, kleptomaniac, pranks a lot, is very intelligent but never serious, seems to act like he has had way too much caffeine, talks really fast, loves punk/rock music.

18th Century:

While during his first time in his mother's land (The 18th century), he was brutally burned at the stake because he was caught "messing around" with one of the male slaves in the slave quarters. First they impaled a large stake into his chest, they then threw him into a large fire pit. To everyone's surprise, when they returned in the morning, Evan's body was no where to be found.  

Drag queen named Eve "Duct Tape" Woodhull because he's clingy, multi-purposed and strong. 


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