


5 months, 5 days ago



  •  Name  Vladimir 
  •  Age  17 
  •  Gender  Male 
  •  Birthday  December 28 
  •  Height  5'10" 
  •  Nationality  American 
  •  Relationship Status  Single 
  •  Tattoo Symbol  Cracks with droplets 
  •  Element Affinity  Earth 
  •  Animal Affinity  Elephant 

Serious - Witty - Quiet

Vlad grew up on the west coast where it was always sunny and never got that cold. He was a bit of a rebellious spirit. Ditching class to go hang with his friends at the skatepark seemed more fun than listening to some boring teacher talk about something he could care less about. He would get caught on occasion but it never deterred him from trying to ditch when he could. Where he got in trouble a lot with the teachers, it seemed to be the opposite with the students, he got along well with almost anybody. When not at the skatepark, Vlad would be playing video games with his friends. His parents were usually gone on business trips so he spent quite a bit of time by himself. He didn’t mind it, he found it peaceful, and the freedom to do what he wanted, something that every teenager would dream of.

One day while at the skatepark, Vlad and his friends were goofing around like usual, then suddenly an earthquake hit. It was a bad one too as everyone hit the ground, buildings shook, electric wires snapped, and some of the skatepark even split open. Vlad was in complete shock and froze where he was standing. One of his friends tried to shake him out of it but he was too late. Vlad had lost his balance and fell back into the split that opened up. He felt an incredible amount of pain then suddenly felt numb. The last thing that Vlad remembers seeing was a metal pipe pointing away from him and a red liquid dripping.

Vlad woke up in a room he had never seen before. Confused for a moment until he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Getting up from the bed he was lying in, he searched for a mirror to see what was wrong with his chest. There was no longer a pipe in his chest but a strange tattoo. Just then someone who appeared to look like a doctor walked in the room followed by who Vlad assumed her nurses. The doctor went on to explain what happened and where Vlad was. It was hard to believe until Vlad saw all the other kids that were living there at the faculty.

Some years had passed and Vlad was pretty much used to his new life at the faculty. He was not completely happy but remained quiet and waited for his time to escape. Then everything changed when a new girl showed up…

Mood Board ArtFight


  • Nightime
  • Star
  • Skateboarding
  • His alone time


  • Being restricted
  • Loud-mouths
  • Early mornings
  • Star's Mom


  • Skate park
  • Nighttime hikes
  • Ditching class
  • Play video games