🔎 nia larson



4 months, 15 days ago


Nia Larson

Of course I'm a reliable detective! What makes you think otherwise?

Profile Picture

Basic Info

Age: 19

Gender: non-binary

Pronouns: they/she

Orientation: bisexual

Birthday: n/a

Occupation: detective

Personality: airheaded, socialable, courageous

code by Eminol


  • case-solving
  • rules and authority
  • rocky road ice cream ..


  • pessimism
  • liars
  • being under pressure


  • their last name isn't actually larson! it's just the last name they chose upon introducing themself and is just what they stick with now
  • whenever they get really excited they impulsively jump up and down
  • practically NEVER seen without their hat .. its attached to them
  • they have horrible handwriting, doctor like handwriting
  • they have a pretty fast mind and often talk pretty fast
  • nearly never wears dresses, but sometimes does when it feels right to them
  • undiagonosed autism 💔
  • the main protagonist in the story!! :D



Nia is a highly motivated and determined detective who is currently trying their hardest to solve this unsolved murder case! She has really unrealistic ideals and believes 'she can do anything as long as she puts her mind to it', she quite literally only became a detective because of her obsession with whodunit and true crime stories as a kid. Nia is extremely naive, oblivious and pretty stubborn, but they're very friendly, clever and confident!


Friend's Profile Picture

Relationship Type: close friends and allies

Description: Constance and Nia met at a bar and their first convo started with an argument. Nia ended up dragging her along to help them with the case. Constance originally didn't think highly of Nia, but eventually warmed up to them and now they're BFF BESTIES!!!!!

Relationship Type: acquaintances

Description: Rebecca and Nia both know each other, but they're far from friends. Nia is intimidated by Rebecca but Rebecca doesn't really mind Nia as much as her other two allies.

Partner's Profile Picture
Friend's Profile Picture

Relationship Type: rivals (one-sided)

Description: Conan despises Nia, he thinks they're a nuissance and finds it irritating that the case that Nia is working on is gaining more attention than him 😭😭 He actively is trying to solve the case before Nia so all the praise goes to him instead of them

Relationship Type: friendly rivals

Description: not sure how to describe their relationship becaus im stupid but Nia and Finnley do not like each other, but their bickering isn't entirely serious because they both know there are more important things to worry about

Partner's Profile Picture