Kirill Morozov



3 months, 20 days ago


Kirill Morozov

name: Kirill Morozov
nickname(s): Kiki
sexuality: Unlabeled
species: Alien
pronouns: Ve/Ver/Vis
gender: Unlabeled
age: Young Adult
birthday: ???

Originally a nobody from an unimportant dwarf planet, Kirill's recently seized the opportunity to become the new God of the universe. All it takes is competing for the title... on a reality tv-style show! Still, ve is confident in vis abilities (as well as the lack of abilities from vis opponents). As long as no one gets in the way, the crown is as good as vis.


Frigid Pretentious Calculated

extrovert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


various forms of art, ice and figure skating, sorcery, fashion and makeup.


most people, vulnerability, hot weather, overstimulating environments.

An ambitious sort, Kirill is always striving to be a better version of verself. But, vis one-track mind has pushed most people away, leaving ver on ver own for as long as ve can remember.

Kirill will single-mindedly go after what ve wants, even if it's to vis detriment. Ve settles for nothing less than perfection, whether it's from verself or others. Vis attitude has made ver unlikable, but since ve thinks of others as beneath ver, ve is perfectly fine with that. Although ve thinks lowly of other people, ve also doesn't think ve's at an acceptable place in vis life... a try-hard know-it-all who secretly despises verself.

I. background
Born on a frozen planet almost too small to even be considered a dwarf, Kirill was on vis own from the start. Sure, ve was raised as well as any child from vis home, but no one bothered getting close to ver. When ve reached an acceptable age, ve was put to work in the mines. After a few years without incident, ve was injured in a mine accident. A poorly timed explosion sent out shrapnel of stone and ice, causing ver to lose an eye. Ve couldn't work while recovering, and even after being fit to return to vis job, Kirill refused. After this incident, ve was outcase from vis home.
Surviving on vis own proved surprisingly easy... since everyone from vis hometown was expected to pitch in anytime they were given the opportunity, ve had a wealth of skills. And, since ve didn't have to spend vis days working, ve had much a great deal of free time. Kirill took up a number of hobbies- figure skating, painting, dance... ve excelled at the arts, being something of a natural prodigy. Ve began to think of verself as someone who stood leagues above everyone else. So, when ve heard of a gameshow where the winner would become God, ve knew ve couldn't let that power fall into someone else's hands.
II. the gameshow
III. ascension to Godhood

  • on vis homeplanet, all work is done by the community, including childrearing. this doesn't usually inspire familial bonds, so most of Kirill's race are almost completely solitary creatures- though Kirill definitely takes this to a new level.
  • vis favorite hobby is figure skating. favorite painting method is oil painting.
  • tends to prefer more masculine forms of address (i.e; sir, mr.) over feminine or neutral ones, though ve doesn't like actually being called a man.

design notes


5'7 ft


116 lbs kg




me :3

  • dresses in ice gothic style clothing, with some regal elements to it. ve gets hot easily, so ve tends to show a lot of skin.
  • rather than scarring, serious injuries to ver race tend to crystallize instead. the skin below vis eyepatch has a lot of crystal growths because of this.
  • quite literally blue-blooded!
    • because of this, vis skin has a cold pallor to it, and when ve blushes, vis face turns bright blue.









Another contestant aiming to become God. They've seemed to have latched themself onto Kirill, which ve finds quite unpleasant... still, they're not half bad at winning an audience, so ve's cautious of their potential influence.
Useless fools. Kirill doesn't find them the least bit threatening.
Since vis exile, Kirill has put everyone ve once knew out of vis mind. Ve feels no sense of kinship with them, nor any disdain. As far as ve's concerned, they've all ceased to exist.

now real life has no appeal!

#figure skater
#ice goth