Peach Créme




Peach Créme

A pink and white fauxbunny that changes to pure white in winter, and brown in spring. She has two streaks of hair in the front that are naturally blue.

An accountant and secretary. Paperwork stresses her out, but she presses on regardless. By night, she's a party animal. Dancing is a minor hobby of hers, but man, can she bust a move. Says she's not a fan of certain types of music but nine times out of ten, she'll be dancing to it anyway.

Her motherly personality might make you feel like a kid again, unfortunately. She can be an airhead and a ditz.

  • Her timing for things can be off, whether it's conversation-wise or arrival-wise.

Scientific name: Homo oryctolagus cunivulpes

Nationality/Ethnicity: North American

Social Scale: Ambivert

Pronouns: She/Her

Birthday: October 21st (24 yrs old)

Height/Weight: 6' ½ / h lbs

Nickname: Pea, Peaches