[T] Firenze



4 months, 21 days ago


Gender: Male
Birthday: 23/01
Department: Training
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 22
Role: Captain
"Uhm..Hello?...I'm Firenze the Training team captain.."


A very socially awkward individual usually tries to avoid any kind of conversations or interactions (except with Anthony or Hod). He is not really much of a fighter but sadly has an Aleph EGO, so he has to fight sometimes. (he usually runs away crying before even starting)


A bit shy and very skittish. Near a mental breakdown 24/7 (hes not having fun being the team captain!!)


Firenze has long-ish reddish-brown hair that he usually ties into a bun and light blue eyes. He is pretty tall, around 180 cm (~5'10.9"). He wore the Wing Beat EGO but then got switched to the Justitia EGO after a while. He also has the Justita EGO gift, which he doesn't wear that much.

Design Notes

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  • His parents are fixers from the Liu Association. Yes they are dissapointed that hes a pussy but atleast he's a "feather" of L Corp
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Got hired after the disastrous Nothing There Breach, which wiped out most of the X-394 facility's staff, and got promoted to team captain for his hard work. Sadly, he's not happy with this position, but he doesn't really have the balls to ask to make someone else the captain instead.


Born in the K Corp nest to a family of Liu Fixers, which wanted him to be a fixer too, but he is too scaredy and not that much of a fan of violence (which was disappointing to his parents).



Alt text here.

Started out as usual coworkers warmed up to each other after a while and became friends. Usually, the moral support for his team captain (BECAUSE MY GOD FIRENZE IS SPINELESS) comforts Firenze and at least tries to help him get better at socialising bit by bit.

Some Name HereRelationship Status

Alt text here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dignissim sed lorem ac aliquet. Morbi mattis volutpat vehicula. Donec sit amet arcu vulputate, euismod ante sed, convallis eros. Nullam sed ligula vel eros convallis placerat sed blandit metus. Ut in scelerisque risus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque lobortis lorem ante, sit amet tincidunt ex malesuada in. Pellentesque vel mi porttitor risus mattis luctus. Sed vehicula tellus id eros posuere aliquam. Cras sit amet quam turpis. Nulla nunc libero, feugiat vel eleifend ut, accumsan a sapien. Sed faucibus mi eros, ac viverra sapien semper nec. Fusce scelerisque nisi et magna consequat, a luctus ante vulputate. Donec sagittis massa ac leo gravida vehicula. Etiam varius sem id orci vestibulum, id hendrerit orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse vitae pretium libero. Suspendisse porta nisl nunc, nec elementum elit blandit congue. Vestibulum sapien orci, luctus ac dictum sit amet, tempor vitae tortor.




"Just like anything else, it began with small hope. The desire for peace now only exists in fairy tales. The employee who extracted this E.G.O suit was the most just person in the company. Do not try to take off the bandage. It wants to hide the sad memories of the past."


Justitia 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ALEPH

"Just like anything else, it began with small hope. The desire for peace now only exists in fairy tales. The employee who extracted this E.G.O suit was the most just person in the company. Do not try to take off the bandage. It wants to hide the sad memories of the past."


Engulfing Dream Head 1

Effects: SP +4

Justita Eye

Effects: Movement Speed +3, Attack Speed +3, Repression Work Success Rate increased by 6%

Wrist Cutter Hand2

Effects: Work Success Rate +2, Work Speed +2

Our Galaxy Neckwear

Effects: Success Rate +3, Work Speed +3 Healing a small amount of both HP and SP at short intervals

Playlist/Video Title