Dr. Jackson Bright



8 months, 17 hours ago


Name: Dr. Jackson Bright 

Nicknames: Agent Bright, Dr. Smiles or Dr. Bright

Serial Number: SCP-963-1

Security Clearance: infinite

Site(s) of Operation: Site-19 or anywhere needed

Position(s): Site director of Site-19, part of the MTF (Part time)

Physical Description: A 24 year old male with red hair and two different colored eyes one blue and one green, wears a blue turtle neck sweater and gray pants with black shoes and a grayish lab coat and he wears glasses

Backstory: Was walking through the facility one day carrying SCP-963 when he was attacked and killed by scp-682 the hard to destroy reptile, a Mtf agent found the body and picked up SCP-963 and became the new Dr. Jackson 

Personality: energetic, crazy, caring, smart, chaotic, prankster and can't stay out of trouble

Additional Notes: Jackson has a younger brother named TJ, he cares about his brother and takes care of his little brother as if his brother was his own son


Quotes from Agent Bright 

"Why be cautious when you can be adventurous"- Dr. Jackson to his team

"Chainsaws are the best weapon"- Dr. Jackson


               Author's notes & credit 

Art was made by the person Minsu & Kiriibun can't thank them enough for the help you guys go show some support and love they did a fantastic job

Minsu's Link: http://aminoapps.com/p/icw76v

Kiriibun's link: http://aminoapps.com/p/bs1uer