



- Blanche came from the mountains 

- he has great hearing and has a loud thunderous growl 

- Nieves was taken in by him 

- both live in the mountains and protect a village 

- based off of a tundra wolf but neither him or nieves is 100% wolf blanche is a bit bulkyier though due to muscle but furr

- Nieves is blind but not fully, he can see shapes and blurry figures enough to survive but relays on Blanche for everything else

- Blanche is a stubborn soul but actually really cares about Nieves and Nieves only (the village is just his job)

- a tough nut really


blanche: the size of an average polar bear, body shape falls between a polar bear and an epicyon, some unknown features come from lab testings.

details to what fits to which more

body size and length = polar bear
thick fur = polar bear
paws = more polar bear like
weight = epicyon
head shape = epicyon
movements = epicyon
muscle = epicyon
fur length = unknown
tail = unknown
ears = unknown

about: blanche is found to be a grouchy and stubborn nut to crack, whom tends to grumble more than anything. always wanting to stay in one place to settle down but neives usually has other ides. though neives can stress and concern him a ton the creature is the only thing that has gotten threw to him and caused him to care. no matter how many times blanche my last out at nieves he always comes back feeling guilty and apologising. he has taken on a role of a caregiver to the blind and seemingly helpless nieves and doesn't know how to feel about it. love is something they hold together yet they won't say it, nor is it in the way you would think love is. they share a deep bond and connection, nothing romantic, the two are inseparable even when blanche wishes to have a break from neives' wandering mind.

like neives, blanche holds some powers that are used to protect the villages in the mountains. as seen blanche has some unusual looking ears as well as seen with a large chest. a chest that isnt just fur but a chest that hold a maze of organs that help to release a eardrum snapping growl and/or roar. used not to often as his ears, ears that are large (smaller than his head) that angle to wherever he choses. thin but well muscled they can take in anything happening around. able to hear for at least 6 miles in any direction if chosen too.