


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info







Hakan is a name meaning 'emperor' or 'ruler' and that's exactly what Hakan is - the emperor of darkness. That's when he feels he's at his strongest, and most in his element.

Rejected by his mother as a pup believing that he was cursed, Hakan was left for dead in a forest that was slowly disappearing due to the industrialization of the nearby town. With no idea how to survive in the wild on his own, the young pup couldn't resist the temptations that humans provided - food, warmth, comfort. Wanting nothing else but to make it through the next day, Hakan wondered into the home of humans.

But it didn't take long before his natural instincts to avoid humans was proven to not be baseless - every single person seemed to reel back in fear as soon as they saw his face. There were the odd few that would approach him thinking he was an abandoned puppy, but would quickly turn the other way when they noticed his contrasting facial markings, piercing purple eyes with their cross-shaped irises, and eerie blue teeth.

Soon Hakan was certain that the humans were not the family he had sought, in fact he concluded that he needed no family. As long as he could survive, he needed no one. He grew by the day stealing scraps from nearby butchers or getting by with whatever he could find in garbage bins. Eventually, Hakan was a full grown wolf lurking in the darkness of human streets.

Hakan has the power to make himself invisible, as well as specks of 'star dust' that constantly float up from his paws as if to help him further blend into the night. However, having no pleasant feelings towards humans he uses these powers to wreck havoc and fear in their everyday lives. This is the ultimate form of entertainment for him and he constantly challenges to outdo himself every time.

He'll often stalk a poor human alone in the early hours before dawn, masking himself in invisibility. With stealth, he'll maneuver himself in front of his victim, his face only inches from their's. Then he would make only his head visible, chucking the biggest grin he can muster with his blue teeth and intense eyes, before disappearing again in pure ecstasy at the piercing scream not too far in the distance.