Dantalion Lamoreaux



5 months, 19 hours ago





Dantalion Lamoreaux

La Mariposa




Professional Duelist





Theme by Circlejourney

I hear it's difficult to spout malice when one has been relieved of their tongue.


Dantalion is a famous and talented duelist currently touring around the nation taking part in various duels.


Dantalion has silky strawberry blonde hair and sunkissed skin. He dresses mostly in light blue shades, reflecting his moniker of La Mariposa; Borrowing visual elements of the Blue Morpho butterfly. His eyes are a dark brown, almost appearing completely black unless catching the sun. He has two parallel moles under his left eye, a strong jawline, and a pronounced nose. His physique is athletic, honed from years of rigorous training, but he often covers his body entirely, dressing modestly and even wearing gloves.


To most people, Dantalion's demeanour is very dry and unreactive. His face often lacks expression, leading people to assume he is uninterested most of the time. Truthfully, his facial expressions are just very difficult to detect and barely perceptible unless you know him well. This combined with his upfront and overly forward manner of speaking can make him quite jarring to talk to. He speaks his mind as if he believes himself to be right about everything...which he does. To his fans he is a perfect gentleman, kind, entertaining, and flirty. He also has a more childish side, being used to things going his way, and getting excited at the prospect of getting sweet treats. But above all, he is a diligent person who takes his training and duelling very seriously, even if he acts full of himself and cocky.


Dantalion was born into a noble family, but his parents were irresponsible and experienced money issues. They chose to run from their problems, leaving without their young son. The family never heard from them after and assumes them dead, Dantalion's aunt and uncle took him in and raised him as a result. He was not raised with cruelty, but always had the distinct impression that he was second best to his cousins. They would often tease him, making fun of his weaknesses, chasing him with their excitable pet dogs and scrutinizing his academic abilities.

Dantalion was not one for book work, studying, reading, all of that stuff took place inside, where his family would annoy him. He preferred playing outside by himself, making up games with his toys and pretending sticks were swords. As he grew up he got more involved in physical activities like sports. When he had a chance to try dueling for the first time, he fell in love and realised he wanted to dedicate all his time to becoming the best. He readily began taking part in duelling club at school and became known for his winning streaks, as well as his cocky attitude. A lot of fellow duelists would flock around him, finding his wining attitude magnetic. Duelling became irreplacable to Dantalion, the one thing that could set him apart from his cousins in a positive way and also make him stand out as an individual.

Dantalion experienced a great deal of success as a duelist, becoming very well known within the sport. He attracted a number of people interested in him romantically, but his dedication to duelling often resulted in the relationships ending without much happening. After the excitement of dating the famous La Mariposa wore off, his lovers would realise he wasn't really interested in romance and grow apart. .

Despite his reputation for being unbeatable, he eventually met his match in the duelist known as Fantôme. The defeat he suffered was particularly humiliating as he had truly believed this was a fight he couldn't lose, so used to not being outmatched. His attitude before and after his loss was more arrogant than usual and he made the sudden decision to go on a year long training gauntlet around the nation. He vowed to return to Fantôme stronger than before and defeat them. Truthfully, Yves, also known as Fantôme, cares very little for their victory over Dantalion. To them he was just another duelist to fight, they are uninterested in acclaim. To Dantalion, they are fated rivals, and he dreams of returning and emerging victorious, reclaiming his crown as the best.



Dantalion met Areli outside of a duel he won. Areli was excited to meet him after seeing him fight and Dantalion appreciated his good looks and strong physique and decided to hire him as an assisstant. Areli has an excitable and loud personality which contrasts Dantalion's more lowkey disposition. On their travels, Dantalion began showing extreme generosity to Areli, treating him to dinners, paying for his accomodation, all whilst paying him a wage for working for him. Dantalion is used to spending extravagantly and having enough money to throw it around carelessly, but his funds began to wane and this made him more desperate to win his duels. He was even willing to put his health on the line which provoked a sympathetic reaction from Areli, something that allowed them to reach a deeper understanding. Eventually they progressed past being employer and employee, becoming just friends. However the more time they spent together the more they realised their feelings surpass friendship.


The name La Mariposa was given to him by a friend.