Nobuko Yuukita/Tsubaki



5 years, 10 months ago



General Information:

Domain of: Camellias division

Sex: Female

Nationality: Japanese

Country of Origin: Japan

Original Name: Nobuko/HokunanYuukita

Lived: 1596– 1615 (dates have been changed; she's 19 now)

Birthday: April 30

Downfall: She committed seppuku in order to honour her brother, who died a disgraceful death.

Physical Appearance: -

In demeanour, Tsubaki will seem a somewhat shy yet pleasant and  good-natured young woman. Though she is somewhat reserved with speaking,  and nearly always speaks in an extremely polite way that leaves others  baffled, Tsubaki will not appear truly antisocial, and she is very good  with words and resulting, will almost never be awkward. Indeed, the  youth understands people's feelings well, and is a very kindhearted  person, always caring for others and never hesitating to help them  (though she isn't hung up on humility as Cantua is). Thus she is  decently popular and has a good reputation. However, there remains a  facet of her personality which is not evident to most acquaintances; she  is extremely determined and dogged, and though she is good at hiding it  and is able to relax and not appear as if she is always on a mission,  Tsubaki can be quite one-track minded about her goals. In fact, this  carries over to many other aspects of her life; her greatest downfall is  that she is very oblivious. She will often care so much about how to  accomplish her goal, that she will not stop to actually live in the  present or notice anything along the path to her destination. Also be a  bit naïve; she takes in all the experience she can get, but sometimes  jumps to conclusions based on her emotions, or just because she hasn't  experienced that much; and though she will nearly always give someone  the benefit of the doubt, she can sometimes become undeniably convinced  of her own arguent's validity. Tsubaki also deals with crushing  depression and, to a lesser degree PTSD, (as she tries to forget  trauma), and constantly feels like she is failing, which greatly drives  her to accomplish.


Tsubaki  was born at around 1596 in Japan with the name Nobuko (meaning  “faithful child”), in the Tohoku region and a member of the Yûkita clan.  Her family were devout Shinto followers; at an early age she began to  train as a miko, learning many varieties of song and dance and taking  care of the shrine in her city. She was always a bit of a loner,  however, and didn't know how to express herself very well, thus keeping  to herself most of the time rather than making friends with the other  girls and women at the shrine. Resulting, she became very introverted  and was constantly thinking, developing a passion for art and haiku more  than song and dance. Though this was frowned upon by her superiors and  peers, her family promoted it and she was very close with them.

Nobuko  was especially close with her brother Masashi, her senior by 8 years.  He was a young samurai and shared her passion for the arts, over time  teaching her much about reading, kanji, and Japanese literature and  history.

In addition, her family was very wealthy and influential, which ended up being their downfall.

The  child's father was an influential businessman, as well as a high  ranking officer in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army. However, in 1600, the  Toyotomi/West army was defeated at Sekigahara, causing a split in the  relations of the Toyotomi and Tokugawa. Her father, though he took part  in the battle, managed to survive, as well as his son. He ended up  staying out fighting for several years, and on return home, it was  discovered that they had been followed by assassins affiliated with  Tokugawa, who proceeded to ransack their estate and set fire to it. This  took place in 1605. All the servants, Nobuko's mother, father, and many  siblings perished. She managed to survive only with the help of her  brother, who gave his life so she could escape.

Scared for her  life and scarred for life, the young girl, only 9 at the time, managed  to escape to the faraway Shikoku region, where she more or less went  into hiding and observed the world, trying to learn more about the  reason for the fate of her family. She eventually comes to learn that  the assissins were business rivals from a nearby village to her  family's, and were originally affiliated with the Toyotomi but betrayed  them. Receiving a commission from the Tokugawas to eliminate them, as  Tsubaki's family was incredibly influential in the area and could cause  trouble, though they were also motivated by personal jealousy. She vows  to avenge her clan.

Nobuko was able to learn of  this primarily by her friendship with Kiyoshi Shirou (often called  Shiro), a young man who she met in Shikoku. He was affiliated with the  Tokugawa (despite only being 16 at this time), but never liked them very  much, frequently having sympathies for the Toyotomi and others disliked  by Ieyasu. Kiyoshi (meaning “pure”) also heard about the Yukita and  their tragedy, as he was a traveler (he was frequently moved around by  the army and whenever he got a chance, would roam about being touristy  and exploring wherever he may be), and felt heavy sympathy for them.  Tsubaki theorised also that he had been specifically looking for  survivors of the clan purposely, but for whatever reason, he never  wished to discuss this with her or bring it up. Around then, she also  hears rumours leading her to believe that Masashi may still live. She  again makes a vow, to reunite with her long lost brother and last  remaining member of the Yukita.

For the first time  in her life, the previously very wealthy girl is reduced to extreme  poverty and is struggling to make a living with her art. She ends up  having to change her name to more or less of a pen name, Hokunan  (meaning “Northern-Southern, referencing both Shikoku and Tohoku) and  also changing her painting and writing styles so as not to be  recognised. At this time, Shirou fakes a massive injury in order to take  a temporary leave from the military, and proceeds to travel about the  country with Hokunan (quite carefully, as he worried he could be  executed if discovered with the girl who some in the army may recognise  as a member of the Yukita). Hokunan uses this opportunity to learn more,  sell her art and continue honouring Shinto at many shrines. She  eventually makes a name for herself with her unique and perspective  writing. She uses this fame to get herself in high places and try to  learn more about the whereabouts of her brother. During this time she is  also struggling a lot with flashbacks and general trauma, and as Shirou  takes care of her, they grow quite close.

This is  her way of life for the next several years. However, in 1614, the two  friends hear that Osaka may soon be under siege by the Tokugawa.  Kind-hearted Hokunan feels that she must go warn the people of the city.  Shirou finds this dangerous and doesn't want her to go, but she  insists; upon arriving there, she sees that the remaining Toyotomi and  their sympathisers have rebuilt Osaka castle, Masashi (now a ronin)  among them. For the first time in 15 years, the two are reuinited, this  convincing Hokunan to stay in Osaka against the wiser judgment of her  friend. Soon the city is beseiged and eventually captured; this time  Masashi does not escape. Both he and Shirou, the latter being discovered  to be treasonous, are sentenced to execution. Hokunan is allowed to  leave, thankfully unrecognised as being Nobuko, because of her  profession as an artist. However, the government is stil turned against  her and wants to punish her for acting dishonourably against the divine  unifier of the land; thus, Hokunan is forced to watch the violent death  of her brother.

Having searched for Masashi nearly  her entire life, having all of her time and effort and determination and  love devoted to one man, this is unbearable for her. Devastated, the  young woman begins to lose her mind. At this time she is still within  the fortress, now taken over by the Tokugawa. She was still desperately  wishing, somehow, to right the wrongs done by the executioner, she feels  as if it would be extremely wrong to leave the place of her brother's  blood. The day following the horrendous event, Hokunan was told to  leave. However she refused, and was forcibly grabbed and dragged  outside. For one of the first times in her life, the gentle hearted  woman became extremely distraught, and began to physically fight. In the  ensuing struggle, she manages, without thinking, to grab one of the  soldiers' swords and ends up striking a fatal blow to his heart.  Suddenly struck with terror at what she had done, Hokunan fell into a  greater shock. Not being able to struggle, the men are ordered to  restrict her to the prison, later to be executed herself.

Engulfed  in greater depression and tragedy, horrified at her own action, at  having stained her own hands with blood against the purity she was  always counted on to have, the young woman feared not for her own life,  but that she had angered the gods, that perhaps her brother was looking  down upon her displeasurably. She had likely brought extreme pain to  those who were close to the man she had killed, a thought particularly  unbearable for her. She begins, too, to hate herself, but does not wish  for death at the hands of those who had brought her to this low state.

She  was sitting in isolation when the also soon-to-be-killed Shirou  approaches her. He was still very loyal to Hokunan and asked her for her  last wish to him. Hopeless and not wanting to live but still wanting to  die with honour, (as well as now hating herself, and not wishing to see  yet another close friend murdered) she asked him if he can use his  previous position in, and knowledge of the Tokugawa army to retrieve her  brother's sword. (as a samurai's sword was always very important and  honourary to him). Greatly saddened and somewhat frustrated at this, he  does not wish to allow her to commit suicide, but manages to fulfill her  request despite his own feelings, out of love for her.

Hokunan,  despite being a woman, has managed to learn the full ritual of seppuku  as a result of her extensive studying of samurai. She performs this  ritual, (also slashing her throat as was customary for women to do)  wishing to “take the place” of her brother and by this, give him the  honourable death he was never able to have. This takes place in the  beginning of 1615.

After this, as she is dying on the ground,  Shirou plucks a bouquet of camellias, a symbol for mourning, and lays it  on her chest in order to lessen the bleeding (the reason being largely  symbolic, but also because at this time she is still alive). As she is  about to die, Hokunan, through a miracle of time and space, is relocated  to the Garden, which in it's way, has mercy on this wretched girl with  an unendingly kind heart and tragic life. It allows the camellias to  grow over the wounds, preventing a more severe pain and preventing her  from perpetually bleeding out. (as it is a quality in the garden that  your body forever remain in the exact state it was in when you entered;  ex, Rose's tuberculosis.) Her family name is wiped out, as she has  forgotten it and renamed herself Tsubaki after the flowers of love. She  has ended the name of the Yukita and in a way avenged them, as well as  finding her brother, this accomplishing all she had wished to in life.

(after  she dies, Shirou is caught spending time with her and is rushed to  execution; in the rush, Masashi's sword is forgotten and left behind  with Tsubaki, who uses her dying strength to tightly grasp it.  Resulting, upon her entry into the Garden, she retains it; thus, even  though she has amnesia at first, she still holds onto the emotions of  her life, with her brother's sacred sword. The sword is also an  important key to unlocking her memories.)

Relationships: Has found enemies in both Beojkkoch and Liu, especially Be.
Strained  friendship with Cactus.She did not expect Cactus to enjoy her company,  but the prickly girl respects her determination and strength of  character.
Gets along well with Orquidea, though the two are not particularly close.
Though she dislikes Romashka's sociopathic tendencies, she also pities him, leading them to a strange relationship.

Decent friends with Madrono and with Cantua, as well as admiring the latter.
Though the two quarrel sometimes, she is friends with Rose as both admire writing, literature and knowledge in general.
She  is rivals with Basil though she actually likes him a little, and they  end up becoming good friends. She just can't understand why he doesn't  like sashimi.
Friends with Amanita. Though they're a bit different in  nature, they both feel they can learn a lot from each other, especially  in regards to their shared country. Thus a sort of trio is formed among  Basil, Tsubaki and Amanita.

Fun Facts: -The leaves growing from her back are quite uncomfortable and impractical, so she often cuts them away. (Thus she can also be drawn with very small leaves).
- Because she is actually decent at swordfighting, she often participates in little duels with Madrono and occasionally Cantua.
-She has lost feeling throughout much of her body, though she is still capable of feeling pain sometimes.
-Konpeito is her favourite candy.
-Considered the best singer of anyone in the Garden, even besting Suzie by a little.
-Not a very good cook, but she is learning more from Basilico.
-Her  skin is actually naturally a very pale live tone; it is sometimes seen  as darker because she lived in the south of Japan for a while and  developed a tan, and now prefers it this way.
-She  is very good at  coming up with lyrics and songs on the spot. Loves many modern artists  and will quote their songs often. She is especially a fan of Otsuka Ai (cos I need a tribute somehow XD)

Confusing details: -skintone is a pale olive colour; just putting this because I had a little trouble illustrating it.
-Her hairstyle is amply confusing. It has two loopy pigtails (not sure of the term), long tendrils in the front, and, is actually short in the back.
-The  red sleeves are not an undergarment; they are simply sewn onto the  white garment, and are made of the same material as her pants.
-Both her cloaks and the green stems are made of flowers/organic material.
-The  pink silk garment under her white vest is ripped in two places. Because  of the wounds she inflicted on herself due to seppuku, she has gaping  slashes in her chest and on her breasts. Flowers grow over them to cover  them (also preventing her design from being too NSFW), but the area  still bleeds.
-She does not have scratches on her face and hands; that is just blood splatter.
-She has petals growing out of her cheeks; they do not bleed very much.  
-THOSE FLOWERS ON HER HEAD AREN'T PART OF HER, THEY'RE A DECORATION. However,  she does have petals growing in her hair in some places, and also, the  pigmentation of the camellias got in some of the strands of her hair.

Atm I don't know if there's anything else I need to write but let me know if you find something confusing.