
  Yokai AU/offshoot of Z'surn Tia  
Tortie markings do NOT have to be exact! Just make them as close as you can <3

Tends to come off a bit strong to some people, fairly outgoing with little to no regard for personal space. He's not afraid to show some skin and flaunt himself to get what he wants and takes pride in keeping himself clean as physically possible. He purposefully wears his kimono with the shoulders slid down and flirtingly around his chest/collarbone area and practically sways when he steps. Each action and movement is practiced and with purpose.

While he can get attached to people, it's more of an intrigue than it is a genuine interest. He doesn't desire a committed relationship and this works well with his job in the red light district. He's there to have a good time, not a long one, and prefers it that way. He's not beyond leading someone on if they have benefit to him, always tugging that proverbial string for his own use rather than theirs. While he can be kind it's very much rare and few, though those allowed this side of him are met with unwavering loyalty and devotion.

Inwardly, Niiko is a very emotionally insecure individual. He longs for belonging, a place to call his own, after having lost his original home to mortals. He despises mortals. Yet in the same vein is oddly interested in their way of life. To be immortal is something he knows, having all the time in the world is a blessing to him, so the fact that something with such a short life span can live so fully is baffling. There's very much a love/hate relationship in how he feels about humans.


Full Playlist


Yoiyoi Kokon - REOL

Heart Afire - Defqwop

Dove Cameron - Boyfriend

Lismore - Paradis (Udachi Remix)
