Chase (Ishvalan Boye)



4 months, 21 days ago


basically my friends and I started binging FMAB while we were at their house and suddenly we've made OCs for it so ye e h a w

the premise of his story thus far is that he is a survivor of the civil war, currently residing in the East far from where Ishval was. he lost his left arm as he escaped and nearly bled out, but was patched up by some doctors, probably some time before Scar's rampage. to be clear, he's not involved with the main characters, or really any preexisting characters—he just wants to live a peaceful life and try to forget the horrifying things that had happened to him. which is why he has a pubby <33 emotional support doggoe named Walnut <333 Walnut helps him see a reason to keep going; she gives him a reason to get up in the morning, a reason to stay active, and comfort via petting and snuggles <33
at some point after settling down—as best he can, at least—in Rush Valley, he met the OC of one of my friends, and they ended up getting along pretty well—despite the fact that the latter is in the military. they like playing cards together :D