

4 months, 21 days ago

Basic Info

Theme/Fight Song



Bombs, ropes, toast, he's got them!

YTP, or Poppy as he likes to be called, is constantly in motion in a weird fluid like manner, making all sorts of random sound effects and repeating them for comedic effect. It's hard to tell if others around find it amusing or annoying.
While they CAN sell things, they seem to want to make people laugh and entertain them. Though their taste in comedy is ... an acquired taste!

Recently they have found out that by mixing the sounds, you can make music. And he's actually doing pretty well at it!

The bomb can absolutely be lit and you CAN explode him. Hard to tell if he will survive or not.

Thankfully no one decided to try to light up the lil mans tail, and he made it into adulthood with some crazy video editing skills, music knowledge, and still toting his sense of humor! While he still is constantly moving, he likes to submit various videos he makes while helping other folks edit theirs. He's a goofball to work with, but manages to keep a good rating! His videos are FAR more advanced now and longer, riding the high of it being popular for awhile. This helps keep him going and trying to share smiles and laughs along the way.

The virus form EXPLODES out in sound and bright colors, bombarding whoever is around with everything. It doesn't help he's constantly exploding and rambling random things that no one seems to be able to understand. Is it an attack? A cry for help? Who knows! But those who are not stunned usually flee from this form. The confetti that comes off him that flickers colors is SHARP and can be used as an attack.
Usually this happens if he has to bottle up his silly for too long till it bubbles up. Usually he tries to crack a joke to keep it at bay, not wanting to hurt, blind, or deafen anyone. It did scare the guy the first time it happened and he decides NEVER AGAIN. If I must let the silly out...people will just have to deal with that rather than an EXPLOSION!

If people call him Poopy instead of Poppy, he laughs and takes it in stride, but will sass back! Just cause he's a silly guy, he wont sit there if you clown on him. He will clown you right back!