Risa Hyohira (Jjk)



4 months, 3 days ago


. Risa Hyohira . Jujutsu sorcerer

Voice claim

. About .

Name Risa

Gender Female

Pronouns She/her

Sorcerer grade 2nd grade

Species Human

Technique Dice Roulette







Risa Hyohira is a 3rd year student at Jujutsu High, and she's a 2nd grade Jujutsu sorcerer. She has mastered all kinds of weapons. Actually, she's a total weapon fanatic and even gives them names. Currently 19 years old, her favorite color is pink and she rocks long hair, although she usually hides it under her uniform. Apart from her mad skills, Risa is outgoing and super curious about other people. She's a talker too, but sometimes she just can't stop herself. Patience isn't her strong suit, and she's quick to get angry.
@ Froshey Worth:
... Trivia
  • Has two moles under her eye
  • Blind in one eye
  • Has long hair
  • Thick brows
Can do
  • Draw her without the hat
  • Draw her with her hair out
  • Draw her with casual outfits
  • Draw different hairstyles
Cursed Technique

After rolling the dice, one of six weapons will be granted to the user:
2.Brass knuckles
5.Chain scythe

The user can roll the dice multiple times, however the more one rolls, the more cursed energy it consumes. The user can't freely choose the weapon they get.
Domain expansion

(Tbh she probs cant use this in her current state, but well....the future Risa can)
Domain expansion: Weapon orchestra
manifests as an ethereal space adorned with an array of formidable weapons suspended in mid-air. Within this domain, Risa's command over weaponry reaches unprecedented heights. She can summon, manipulate, and unleash a vast assortment of tools with unparalleled precision and devastating force using simple hand signs.


Risa Hyohira's early exposure to the world of Jujutsu was through her parents, who were respected and skilled sorcerers. Growing up, she witnessed firsthand the existence of curses and the importance of sorcerers in protecting the balance between the supernatural and human realms. Inspired by her parents, Risa dreamt of following in their footsteps and honing her own abilities. However, tragedy struck when Risa's mother lost her life during a dangerous mission. Devastated by the loss, her father fell into a deep depression, leaving Risa without proper guidance and emotional support. Recognizing that she needed a structured environment to develop her skills, her father sent her to Jujutsu High.

Risa's first year at Jujutsu High was a challenging and isolating experience. Her lack of control over her cursed technique made her a target of ridicule and bullying from her peers. Many questioned the usefulness of her ability, mocking her for not having control over which weapon she obtained. She became the victim of intense physical and verbal abuse, culminating in a severe injury that left her blind in one eye.

Although the bullies responsible were expelled, Risa was left with a permanent reminder of their cruelty. Determined to rise above her circumstances, a burning desire for revenge fueled her efforts. She channeled her pain and frustration into intense training, pushing herself to new limits, and mastering every weapon she came across. Through her journey, Risa developed an obsession with weapons, recognizing their beauty, strength, and the potential they held in the battle against curses.

While her past experiences left scars both physically and emotionally, they also shaped her into the resilient and determined individual she is today. Risa's fascination with weapons evolved into a deep appreciation for their role as tools that can unleash immense power in the hands of a skilled sorcerer. With her exceptional physical prowess, extensive knowledge of weaponry, and an unwavering dedication to proving the worth of her ability, Risa Hyohira stands as a testament to the strength that can emerge from pain and adversity.

Noa Jinja
Noriko Fujimura
love interest
Kyoka imai
Wei-jun Kiruma
sparring besties