Bee's blacklist



5 months, 2 hours ago



{ TW/CW: mention of s/h and suislide }

// Do not harrass any on this list. // Any users on this list I wish to not interact with at all // All users on this list may not obtain any new designs from me //

There is other users I have blocked but these users I've had to interact with directly

  • ArchiveOfOCs (prev. BoldEagle / Tarrot

    — Personal reason from years ago.

  • ThistleArts (account closed)

    — Sold one of my F2U bases to another user who was unaware it was a free base and not from them.

  • vnxpaws(Discord)

    — Tried to sell YCHs of my base without credit. Later edited credit in their advertisement but still had my signature removed from my base.

  • Kiitsuness / Wilbur_soot

    — Kept me waiting over 4 months for their side of an art trade when mine was already sent. It took them 4 months to send only 1 piece of the trade (after being given excuse after excuse). Kept giving excuses before I blocked them.

  • RottinqFox / kawaiieclipse / Kawaiisfursuitss / YeenCultLeader / abandonedaccounttt / HideawayEevee / smallbiteswork / FurrestSpencer (prev. fwpaws / Silvanus / silvevee / Kawaiisfursuits / Tootimusmaximus / HidingPaws)

    — Server raiding, AI art, block evading, multiple alts, oc thief, creating very clear rip offs of my open species.

  • Cendy_Wgf_Official

    — Either supports the user above or is one of their alts. Owns one of the stolen designs and refuses to believe they are stolen. Saying our screenshots are fake.

  • Chompzer

    — Offered on an OC I just won (and hadn't even accepted the transfer yet). Blocked me when I politely confronted them about it being rude.

  • MochieTheSilkMoth

    — Tried to trade/sell a freebie they won from me. I messaged to give them a heads up that it's against my TOS and they needed to add art first before trading/selling. Blacklisted after 15 days of no response despite being online since my message.

  • pixxkxnk / K9CXRPSE

    — Out of pocket political/sensitive topics in vent channel, refuses to use neo-pronouns, friends have had issues receiving money from them when being commissioned by them. Racial talks out of pocket in vent channels. Making a lot of people uncomfortable in my server. Major self harm or suicide venting in vent channel but more to the point of possibly wanting attention.

  • crustedtin / crustedtinalt

    — Issue with communication with art offered on an UFT character. They finished the art after I took the character off hold after no reply to me messaging about any updates (as mentioned in my TOS when I'm given no update and progress) and was bought by another. They accepted a different character to which I transferred over. They accepted the transfer but didn't send over the transparent image. I understand they are a busy person in college but couldn't send over the artwork when they accepted the character transfer??? Blocked after many days of no response despite being logged in since I messaged about it.

  • GabrieleTheMan

    — Blocked out of discomfort and banned from my Discord server too. Since being blocked they have put up bulletin after bulletin ranting about how horrible people on TH are and how "broke up with beehemoss" mentioned so many times in their bulletins or replies. Making me even more uncomfortable knowing they are doing this while I have them blocked. They put me up on this pedestal and idolized me in such a way that is coming off extremely creepy and uncomforting.

  • sketchycrypid

    — Personal reason.

  • Eda_does_things

    — Many reasons I won't go into details. More personal.

  • Puppyprince

    — Personal reasons, some associatedwith above user.