Seastar (Lore)



Eggnapped by pirates

Sea Star
6086.76 kg
Water Snapper
Cook on the island


Seastar hatched to a room of disappointed faces. He was a Snapper, and that meant one thing to the pirate crew that gathered around him. They took the wrong egg from the wrong nest. Now they were stuck with a dragon none of them knew what to do with. Snapper's born to the water flight were not built for the deep, open seas. Nor could they fly, which meant they couldn't ever count on him for combat in the skies, or waters. They weren't going to take the risk of returning him, and there were too many objections when the plan to throw him overboard was pitched. They settled on keeping him while they waited for a solution to present itself. Not all of the crew were cruel to him, and he owes a lot of his survival to those of the crew who fed him and kept a watchful eye over him when he was still a hatchling. But the life of a pirate is deadly, and all those with a soft side have passed. Leaving Seastar now with no one he cares about. Newcomers only gave him less and less pity as he would age. Growing into an adult worthy of no pity to seemingly everyone he met.

"Snappers make horrible pirates."

Was a phrase Seastar heard often. In his youth, it bothered him greatly. He would try desperately to feel like he fit in with the group. To be liked. But now, in his 30's, he didn't care if Snappers were the worst pirates. Because he did not want to be a pirate. He wanted more than anything to step off that boat, and never think about pirating again.

Seastar knew they would never let that happen, he had tried to make the argument for his leaving countless times throughout his adulthood. And though they never would admit it, he was far too useful to all of them. He cleaned and cooked for the crew, always trying his hardest to appease them. As he got older the tasks would become more elaborate, but he would always rise to the occasion and do his best. Mending clothes, fixing boots, first-aid, net repairs, map reading, cleaning,- If it was a task no one wanted to do, odds were that the task would fall solely on Seastar's shoulders.

Still working on this. lol. I am so slow at writing because I just reread it and rewrite it a billion times before moving on to the next part


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