Chateau Green Pearl



7 months, 28 days ago


Chateau Green Pearl

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Title Chateau Green Pearl AAA

Nicknames "Broccoli"

Cabochon quality 7842

Pronouns She/her

Cut Average

Rank Combat Pearl

Theme i have no idea

HTML Pinky


Chateau Green Pearl is a combat assistant with enhanced resources. She was created in Era 1, but despite that, still holds up to the modern fields. Her design was custom-made for emeralds, highlighted by her signature clothing.

She's adventurous, charismatic, outgoing, and friendly! Broccoli barely takes anything to heart and absolutely hates when others disrespect those close to her, tending to get a bit... violent. So, she makes sure to keep her distance between other people, setting simple boundaries. She has a deep fear of betrayal that, for some reason, doesn't go away no matter what despite plenty attempts of help.

She is a neutralist, but remains in the loyalist side for the sake of herself and other people she loves. She has no attachment to the diamonds.


Height 6'11"

Build Athletic.

Eyes Dark green.

Skin Tone Pixie Green.

Hair Color Sea Green.

Hair Style Very messy hair tied up in a ponytail with two strands out.

Gem location Right hand.


  • Broccoli barely lets her hair down! Only alone or with people she's really close with.
  • When training, wears compression shirts.
  • Very hard to notice in the dark.
  • You can remove the top part of her uniform! The rest is like a top.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



"Hmm... y'know... one of my secret hobbies is collecting swords. Don't tell anyone though, ok? It's SUPER fun! Instead of those figurines I stack up, um, sharp edged sword, then dull sword and... I mean, I get most as a gift or directly from rebels. I'm not one for stealing, but sometimes they just wanna live so much they give me their supplies. Who am I to deny such great offer? Wait- wanna see my sword collection?"

Organic foods

"Those are DELICIOUS! I can remember the taste of the last organic meal I tasted. Gee, I wish I could get another one... but they cost too many credits. How many credits do I even have? I barely check. Eh."

Fake gold

"Obviously not real gold... whaddya think I am, a murderer or something? I like yellow accessories! They fit my skin well, I think. I dunno, I went to this jade and she said it fits, so who am I to complain? YEAH!"


"I like flowers. I, also, love their smell. They have some niiiice fragrance. That's how you say it, right? Eh. Meh... I've always wanted perfume. Do I smell like battlefield? You get what I mean, right?"



"Or just being rude as a whole. Do you have nothing better to do with your time? Genuinely. Maybe go get yourself a lady to laugh along with your jokes, because the best thing you're getting from me is a blow to the cranium..."


"No reason. No, I just said- no reason. Heard me? No reason..."

Feeling out of place

"...Volute Reef was certainly a place. (sigh), I mean, you probably don't know what I'm talking about. But it's- don't worry, actually. Just... Mother Esse is a bit forgetful sometimes, yeah?"


"I just don't like it. Same thing with being controlled. Like, huhhh? What?"


About Her Identity

Broccoli isn't fond of labels at all, choosing a more free side of life. She thinks stressing out thinking about things will just make you waste time in life. So, she kind of... goes with the flow. She's the type to shrug as a reply to your questions.

Sword Collection

Every. Single. Sword. You. Have. Seen. She. Has. Broccoli has an AMAZINGLY BIG love for swords. She'll do anything to get new ones, be it doing something she utterly despises or dancing the cha-cha slide! For the record, she has done the second one. Multiple times.

Current Condition

Broccoli seems to have a healthy light form! However, she has an extremely deep crack along her back, barely covered by her clothing. Do not mention it.







Hermosa Rose Pearl


Broccoli doesn't like speaking about her much, if not at all. She poses herself as a stranger, helping Rose from time to time. She's careful to keep her distance, worrying about the things that could... happen if she didn't. Hopefully she'll put an end to all of this.




idk if risas gonna use astrophel so ill update this later