Valerica Schindler (Madoka Magica)



3 months, 10 days ago



Name Valerica Schindler
Type Support
Age 17
Height 5'7" | 170.18 cm
Gender Female
Sexuality Heteromantic Asexual
Role Magical Girl
Status Deceased
Location Norwood


Valerica Schindler
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely Players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts.


A seemingly happy-go-lucky magical girl who seeks self-satisfaction and excitement out of life. The clown-like Valerica, however, seems to carry a lot more burdens than she lets on.


First impressions of Valerica show that she is a bright and bubbly gal with a passion for making others smile. She enjoys cracking terrible jokes, as well as performing the strangest moves if it coaxed a laugh out of her peers. She dislikes a sad crowd the most, which usually manifests in her forcing herself to be the life of the party or even the center of attention. Valerica possesses a maternal attitude at times due to her time raising her brother. Her antics tend to get her into ludicrous situations, making her seem like a fool at times; however, she is skilled at turning any problem around to her benefit.

Despite all of this, Valerica hides the weight of the world on her shoulders. She is a mentally and physically tired person hiding underneath the mask she puts on for the public. Her childhood conditioned the girl into believing she needs to assist anyone and everyone in order to keep the overall peace in the community at the cost of her own needs. Valerica slowly lost her dreams, desires, and wants across the years due to focusing on the needs of other people; this has resulted in her mind being emptied only for the thoughts of her loved ones. She struggles to care for herself and believes that putting on the mask would benefit the greater good.


Valerica was the resulted of frisky college kids, way too young and stupid to be raising a child. They shared a socially pressured marriage, and the resentment for the parents grew with each day as they were forced to drop out of university to start their lukewarm family. The family weren't the closest they could have been due to all of this unspoken (yet most of the time spoken) pettiness, leaving Valerica with poor role models to look up to. Despite all of this, the young girl still managed to see glimpses of the love from her parents and the three would occasionally meet eye-to-eye.

It all changed once her little brother, Ryder, was born- just when Valerica turned seven. Apparently, her parents had gotten drunk and risky that one night, and his conception completely shattered the family. The young daughter was forced into a new role: therapist. Her mother and father would take turns venting their problems and poisonous hatred for each other, and even left Ryder under the care of their daughter. Valerica had to learn how to take care of her infant sibling as well as her incapable parents, crippling her ability to consider her own needs. This continued well into her adolescence where she's nearly abandoned all hope of a life outside of her family; she hated her household for the life they forced onto her shoulders, yet she didn't have the heart to deny them. They were her family after all...

One fateful day, Kyubey appeared before her to grant her one wish in exchange of becoming a magical girl. Valerica accepted the deal and wished for "just one peaceful day without any worry", resulting in her sleeping away for an entire day. Now, full of regret, she struggles her double lives: motherly teenager and a magical girl.








Magica Hostia

Mastered Counter
Advanced Booster
Mastered Heal
Mastered Barrier
Advanced Dodge

Magia Record

Light Type
Connect: Damage Up, Chance to Burn, Accele MP Gain Up
Magia: Single Target Attack, Chance to Burn, Damage Up (Teamwide), Defense Up (Teamwide)
Doppel: Single Target Attack, Damage Up (Teamwide), Defense Up (Teamwide), MP Restore (Teamwide)


Ryder Schindler

Valerica's little brother. She practically raised him along with her parents, making her his spiritual caretaker. Despite her deep love and devotion towards him, Valerica secretly harbors a resentment towards Ryder's existence.

Alan Roscoe

Valerica's late boyfriend in Magica Hostia. In the events of the roleplay group, the two got together after their discovery that their allegiances were opposites, making them akin to Romeo and Juliet. They shared a love for music, though their relationship didn't last long due to their deaths during Walpurgisnacht's attack on Norwood.


Hekate Verana

Valerica's former friend. They used to be relatively close up until Valerica's allegiance changing; their relationship has been tense ever since then.



A natural 2 star unit in Magia Record
Witch/Doppel is named Biancolelli
Loves cheese. Would eat cheese for every single meal if she could
A very talented singer; Vale aspires to become a famous performer in the future
Works part-time at a cafe to help make ends meet
Relatively below-average student

Design Notes

Her soul gem is hidden on the back of her head; it is attached to her hair ribbon
Valerica's weapon is a parasol. It is meant to absorb light, even glimpses of it, and convert it into energy
Her outfit is meant to resemble a mix of proper lady and harlequin
Rarely puts her hair up in a ponytail, despite the mess it tends to get into
