Alshain Draconis



8 months, 3 days ago

Basic Info


Alshain Draconis Hyakutake






Space Pirate (captain)


Presumed Dead


36 (at time of disappearance)


Apollo (father), Callista (sister), Altair (Son), Kronos (ex-boyfriend)


Alshain was the oldest child of Apollo, one of history's most notorious and ruthless space pirates. She was very close to her father and was a member of his crew during her teenage years. She was known for being just as selfish and cruel as her father.

She had a younger sister (from a different mother) named Callista. Her and Callista were always in a constant, bitter rivalry and seemed to strongly dislike each other. After Apollo and his crew were destroyed, Alshain and Callista managed to escape with their lives. While they both tried to retrieve Apollo's treasure together, they ended up fighting over the keys and maps, resulting in some of the items being damaged or lost. They went their separate ways afterwards with Alshain laying low for a while on the planet, Areius. 

While on Areius, she fell in love with the man who helped hide her from authorities and eventually had a child with him. However, the unplanned pregnancy caused a lot of stress and fighting in the already somewhat toxic relationship. She soon lost interest in her boyfriend and grew bored with being a mother, feeling as though her family was holding her back from her dreams and becoming what she really wanted to be. She left to take up the life of a space pirate again, this time commanding her own crew. Not long after, she disappeared and it's unknown whether she's dead or alive.


  • Altair - Altair is Alshain's son. For the most part she thought he was a nuisance, but took care of him for the first 8-9 years of his life simply out of feeling obligated to. While she wasn't outright mean to him, she was very neglectful and would only do the bare minimum to raise him. She only spent time with him when she felt like it. The only times Altair felt like she actually wanted to be around him were when he was listening to her sing or play piano. He also learned how to play and sing from her. It's part of the reason he has such a love for singing and music even as an adult.