eru's Comments

Is she still available? ;0


Well if you happen to have any interest in trades, I can offer from these folders!! Anashe and Lila are off limits, but everyone else should be okay! ^u^ no worries at all if not!

Sorry! But I’m only interested in money!

No worries then!!

would you look at art & characters? lmk if you see anyone in my th outside of those tagged “X” ^^

Yep! I’ll look a bit later

I could honestly do art <3

i’d def do art ^^ do you have a discord or instagram so we can talk about it? 

yskra is my discord!

hiii do u see someone in my th? pls lmk if yes or nouuu :) 

would you consider swaps for this bb?

I’d consider anything tbh. I love them btw, absolute dreamie <3