Niami Hayes



4 months, 7 days ago


Niami Hayes

Called Niami, Nimi, Nam

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 17/18

Race Egyptian-American

D.O.B. Oct. 6th

Sign Libra

Theme Frances Forever - Space Girl

Background tartila

HTML Pinky


Niami's a bubbly 18 year old who lives in the beautiful city of Colorado Springs! She lives at home with her mom and little brother, and is an Honors student at Pikes Ridge High School! Her main interests lie in theatre and performing arts. Niami loves to sing any moment she can, whether in the shower, her car, in her room, anywhere! Anything space Niami is obsessed with. she loves the stars especially, but is also fascinated by alien life, moons, and planets. She knows a lot of fun facts!

Niami's a military kid, and thus had a hard time making friends that weren't also military kids during her childhood. In her teen years she doesn't live on base, so it's hard to make friends who ARE military kids. Her friends will talk about living in the same house all their lives, and Niami finds it hard to understand because she never experienced that. It's hard for her to relate to a lot of things, and that frustrates her.


Height 5'10"

Build Pear-shape, skinny-fat

Eyes Sharp, Brown

Skin Tone Light Tan

Hair Color Blue

Hair Style Messy half-up half-down

Demeanor Bubbly


  • Lots of acne and acne scars on her face
  • Lots of freckles
  • Thick eyebrows
  • Pointy nose
  • Always dresses very fun and cute
  • Wears fun earrings


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Niami is bubbly and outgoing, and never fails to make a friend in every class. She has near perfect attendance, and will always help someone who missed the last class, or share her notes. She's an avid note-taker! Her favorite subject in school has so far been Art History.



She's loved anything space-like since she was a kid! It was her first major hyperfixation, and has remained so to this day.


Along with liking space came a natural interest in aliens. She thinks the little green men are the cutest!

Star Wars

Again, space. And adventure! Her favorite character is Aizza. (an oc created by Soggy_Tuna)


Definetly loves to accessorize! She always wears fun earrings, bracelets, and necklaces!



Something about complete silence irks her, makes her feel weird and alone.


He's 9, what do you expect? She doesn't like her brother very much, he's obnoxious.

Social Media

She's a firm believer in the fact that social media is corrupt, and learns. She doesn't have any social medias except for a YouTube account.

Her hips

She just hates the problems and inconveniences that come with having larger hips. She feels like she's constantly bumping into things.




During Niami's childhood, she had one best friend: Her dad. Niami is the oldest child, and only girl; she was a daddy's girl right from the get-go. As a baby, she used to sleep on her dad's chest instead of her crib most nights. As a kid, she spent most of her time with her dad outside of school. When he was home, that is. Nimai's dad was in the military, and was often out on deployment for long periods of time. Twice in her life he was gone for 18 months, which was very hard on her family.

Because her dad was in the Army, Niami and her family relocated and moved a lot in her early years. While Niami currently lives in Colorado, she was actually born in California! She's lived in countless different places all across the US, and even in Germany at one point when her dad was stationed there. Her last move was when she was in 8th grade, when they moved to Colorado Springs.

High School

Niami's dad deployed for the last time when she was 14. A couple months into his deployment, her family got news that he'd been killed in combat. It destroyed Niami's family, especially Niami. This happened a month or so before the end of middle school, so Niami missed the last month of school, and took the summer to grieve before high school started. When she started high school, she threw herself head-first into theatre. She took a class her first semester, and loved it. It was an amazing outlet for her, she couldn't get enough. She loved the attention, the praise, the rush of adrenaline- all of it!

Come her sophomore year, she was one of the most favorited kids in the theatre department. Unfortunately for other students, the theatre department is very nepotistic; but that proved to be pretty fortunate for Niami. They loved her. In her junior year she played minor characters in both the fall and spring musicals, which she loved! During this time she also dove into her love for the sky, and stars. High school was when she really flourished.

During her time in theatre, she meets a boy named Masaki. She was outraged that he wasn't in any theatre classes, and she still hates that. Masaki does Stage Crew, and Niami is on stage, so they see each other when they have a down moment. Niami developed a crush on him pretty quick, but isn't quick to act on it. She prefers to test the waters as friends first. Eventually, she does ask him out on a date during their senior year. They go to see Christmas lights, which was magical. Masaki and Niami aren't boyfriend-girlfriend (yet,) but do go on dates. She pictures her future with him, getting married and living close to their families. You know, stuff every teenage girl thinks about with a boy she's in love with.


Niami has always been an impeccable student. She's never had lower than a 3.8 GPA, and has taken as many AP and college credits as she possibly could. She joined Yearbook Committee her junior year, Photography her sophomore, and has done Glee Club and both theatre classes since her freshman year. Niami is what many would call a model student. On top of this, Niami will graduate with her Associates Degree! She graduates top of her class as Valedictorian. After graduation, Niami decides to pursue her love of space and studies to become an astronomer!






best friend

Niami and Minu have had a few classes together over the years. They became pretty close, which is fun for Niami because it means she gets to see Masaki more. The two of them often go up to Minu's room and giggle about Masaki and Tyler. She likes to play with Minu's hair!



The boy she's dating

As stated before, Masaki and Niami are crushing hard on each other. They do in fact become boyfriend-girlfriend, shortly before graduation. Their first kiss is an awkward one on her front porch. But don't worry, they have many more in the future (especially at their marriage!)




Tyler is her best friend's boyfriend, so of course he's gonna be around a lot. She thinks he's fun though! They're friends but not friends-friends, more like friends-in-law.