Fallopia Baldschuanica Pearl




Fallopia Baldschuanica Pearl
File Name
Fallopia Baldschuanica Pearl
Demi Bi
Gem Location
Law Pearl

Fallopia Baldschuanica is a graduate of Greenhouse Academy. He is a law pearl, serving Chrysina Glorioso Zircon in and out of court cases. He's well-mannered and elegant with a formal vocabulary, as well as a heavy loyalist. He's always prepared for work and often surrounds himself with plenty of it, considering breaks a waste of time. Due to his assistant nature, he is used to being a right hand rather than a leader himself, often working beside another gem to make sure anything flows correctly.

As previously mentioned, Fallopia is quite fond of the Diamonds. Enough so that he dedicates his life to securing a spot in life, pushing other things such as love and friends aside. Ambitious, you could call him. When his life is threatened, he will do anything to save himself, thinking that his whole life could be thrown away if he didn't. Selfish? Just maybe.

He's extremely clear with his opinion on things and isn't afraid to slander when in private. Baldschuanica needs to think twice before talking, otherwise he might slip out some dialogue that could get him in extreme trouble. When he has a theory, he will do anything to prove it correct.


While Chrys isn't the most relatable elite, he knows that there could've been worse. So, he's decently pleased. Schuan spends his entire day- stars, maybe entire weeks memorizing key points for upcoming court cases. Does Chrys share the effort? No idea.

rhubarb / friends

Worked together for projects and he tested his potion and other experiments. Very goofy activity. Passed out thousands of times.

Glacier Bay Otter Pearl / strange nuisance

He thinks of him as odd. Schuan's suspicion that Glacier Bay Otter wants to take him down grows by the day, leading him to become more and more anxious and overthinking. If there's anything he doesn't want, it's him being harassed again, just like in the academy.


While Fallopia definitely got hurt during his time at Greenhouse Academy, he must admit the guidance he got was quite valuable. He doesn't regret the suffering and still thinks of Edith highly.

  • As stated before, Schuan hates the idea of love and is disgusted thinking about it. It's not his purpose. Thus, he's quick to flat out reject all romantic endeavors, even being a tad... rude.
  • An insane nerd. He will ramble about things like a madman if he's in the place to, be it plants or tech. Please tell him to shut up. Please
  • He values organic beings a lot and is very offended when hearing misinformation about them or... odd design choices.
  • He is an organic-themed pearl, with the inspiration being russian vines. Talking about vines, he can manipulate them too!

It's kill or be killed here. I'm not rotting at the bottom, that's for the incompetent fools. If I have to work my soul off to survive, don't let my effort go to waste.