Commission Prices's Comments

are ya still open?

I’m not open at the moment but i plan on opening up soon!

actually i decided im opening them rn lol 

Oh bet, do you have another contact besides TH?

yes! i have a Discord! the tag is kyliesjukebox! 

Would I be able to get two minis but as a lil couple one?

yes!! I can totally do that!

AW YEAAAHHHill dm u on discord yaaahhh!

Hey! I'd like to discuss a couple commissions from you! My discord is the same as my user on here ^^

sure thing! i’ll send you a message right away! 

me commission shaded headshot. my discord is kisstherook

okay! I will send you a message. 

Hey!! I'm not sure if I can buy right now, but for future reference: how much extra would it cost to add a second character to a commission? c:


probably like, 20 if it was a full body, 10 if it was a half, 5 if its heads

Thank you so much!! Also, I know you've always been open to drawing different species, but would you be comfortable drawing birds?

Oh for sure, I love drawing birds. I can also promise that they will be anatomically correct,

Haha, no worries at all! My birds are actually anthro, so the only parts of their anatomy worth worrying about are their faces and feet. :) Thanks a bunch and I'll hopefully be back soon!!

nice! I'll be excited to draw any oc of yours again!

Also I wanted to say that I really love the fluid poses of your characters and how unique your designs are, it's really refreshing to look at. 

I love doing similar things, and I am going to school for animation but I hardly ever post my more fluid characters and art because I use toy house for my furry characters pretty much, but I just wanted to say that I do the same stuff behind the scenes and that I really love your work too. 

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They are still open and I can totally do them!

I did however raise the price of a headshot/bust by 5$ this morning, because I realized I was underselling them at this point and needed to make a slight adjustment, so you might want to check that out. But, if you are all good still I can totally discuss a commission with you!

I WANT AN ICON RN ACTUALLY. I have the moneys for it so erm.. if u can do an unshaded headshot/icon of DJ Pride I'd be so silly happy :3!!!

I'll be paying via PayPal! If it's okay I'd def prefer to pay after I get a sketch !!

Expression wise uhm,, something that just screams COOL DUDE? I don't have anything specific in mind,, he does wear sunglasses sometimes if you wanna include those ur free to,, but I would prefer for them to be flipped up or at least held off his face so you can see his eyes :3!

yes coolio silly dude

I can do that! do you have a discord? sometimes it’s easier to send wips and communicate there. If not i can send you a DM here. And thank you for the description, i think this will be really fun! 

I can do that! do you have a discord? sometimes it’s easier to send wips and communicate there. If not i can send you a DM here. And thank you for the description, i think this will be really fun! 

YEAH I DO! my user is babyblues !!

Thanks man! 

i sent a request! 

Also, thank you so much for commissioning me!! it comes at a time where i really need it!

How much do you think a couple scene would be? 💌

with background or just two characters together 
