


8 months, 1 day ago



Age: 12-13

*more info to come!!

Canon extrait of my story featuring Yukio!! I wrote this last year + it has been through google translate (original text in french!) so it might not look the best :D enjoy!!


It was a beautiful summer morning and as usual Yukio was preparing to deliver the day's letters. As a messenger working for the royal palace, he took his position very seriously. With each new day, he got up, ate a light lunch and set off cheerfully with his satchel slung over his shoulder, full or not, ready to deliver the mail to the villagers. At thirteen years old, this young boy with hanging ears and a tuft of snow-white hair knew everyone. Conversely, everyone knew him and appreciated his many visits.

Today was a pretty special day. The queen had asked Yukio to distribute invitation letters for her son's coronation, which would take place very soon. In this country, the heir to the throne was officially crowned the day after he turned seventeen. However, the said heir only acceded to the crown after the death of one of the current sovereigns or after the latter had completed their fiftieth year of reign.
So the messenger left with his usual bag, this one overflowing with envelopes decorated with the purple wax seal of the castle. He toured the village, dropping off the precious mail in the residents' mailboxes or hand-delivering it to those who were already beginning to liven up the main square.
The day was already well underway and Yukio sat on the edge of the fountain which was in the heart of the main square. He only had one letter left in the bottom of his bag. It was intended for a certain Perle Nerelli. The queen had told him to save this invitation for last, her words could not have been clearer: “Yukio, I would appreciate it if you left Pearl’s invitation last. She comes from the neighboring village and settled here a few weeks ago. To make a good impression, the king and I thought it important to invite him to the prince's coronation. She apparently has the habit of going to the bakery early in the afternoon, so will give him the letter when she returns. »

Medium height, soft eyes, silky gray-beige hair delicately accompanied by a pretty red flower. This was the description of his friends when Yukio asked them more about this stranger that morning. It was precisely a young woman corresponding to this description that he saw coming out of a business which was most probably the bakery, dressed in a simple coral-colored dress. Packet undoubtedly containing delicious pastries in hand, she still moved away quickly.
" Wait! »Yukio shouted while trying to reach the one who indeed had a flower in her hair.
He had managed to catch up, but not without difficulty, running was not his strong suit.
“Pearl Nerelli, is that you?” »
The woman finally turned around, finally revealing her face of a similar age to that of the prince.
" In person! »
Pearl then immediately noticed the palace emblem on the collar of the out of breath boy in front of her. “A castle uniform? But what is this honor worth to me? »
“I have a letter for you!” » Yukio said while catching his breath. “If you allow me to read it to you…”