12/28/23 (Adalade)



Princess Adalade Dealye of Delsworth

  • Name

    Adalade Deayle




    October 29th



    Relationship Status



    1/2 of the Ladies(Lords) in Contridale; 

  • (To be altered)

  • Adalade was born October 29th. She was 2nd born of her sister. Her mother; Daliah, was almost killed by her sisters birth, and alongside that, she was the absolute mini-me of her mother. Her father was terrified at the conjoint wrist, and wanted them separated, though his mistress pleaded so much to keep them as-is, but he denied. On October 30th, they where put under the knife. But the presence denied it. The doctors where killed by their own shadows.

    On their 2nd birthday, Adalade and Adaline offically became princesses, after debate on whether they should be 2 princesses, or 1, they decided 1. Many people came from diffrent Kingdoms of Contridale, bearing gifts and wanting to see the two princesses. Daliah seemed to have things lifted from her, she seemed less pale and happier. She was always worried for her daughters though. As she was the only one who knew of the presence, she described it as a blessing and a curse.