


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name





Cis Male


Cain traveled to Yharnam at the peak of it's time, hoping to become a part of the progressive changes being done there. He did not forsee things going so wrong so fast, and when things became bad enough he took to hiding in the shadows, barely surviving in the now nightmarish city. It wasn't until his younger brother, Abel, travelled to Yharnam looking for him that he attempted to turn things around. Upon reuniting with his brother, he found purpose in the safe haven that was built up by the Hunter duo of Ivie and Hershel. He keeps stock of the supplies in the safe haven, and keeps the Hunters that take shelter there fed and taken care of.

Personality [Pre]

Before travelling to Yharnam, Cain was an optimistic and strong willed young man. He was never seen without a smile, and always seemed to have a gleam in his eyes. He was a very kind and selfless person, always looking out for his family, especially his baby brother, Abel. Cain never let the world get heavy on his shoulders, and had a strong fire that drove him to leave home seeking the progress that Yharnam seemed to offer.

Personality [Post]

The events that took place in Yharnam after Cain arrived have completely broken him, utterly destryiong the man that he once was. His eyes are haunted and have lost the spark of life, and his demeanor is much more hollow. He rarely smiles anymore, and when he does it is shadowed by the defeated look of a man who has seen to much. His courage has been all but stolen, leaving him a whimpering coward who lives by the shadows to survive and stay hidden. When he is reunited with his brother, Abel, he does brighten up a bit, but nothing will bring back the man he used to be.