

4 months, 13 days ago


"A gorgeous but rather sad species of reptile that, as time went on, evolved some more aquatic traits to allow for speedier movement within water. Originally it is believed that this reptile remained landborne throughout its life, only sprouting wings when a mating season would occur, theorized to only happen two or three times in the lifespan of one organism. However as sea levels rose and development destroyed the land, this reptile spent more and more time in the water, until it evolved to become semi-aquatic and eventually solely aquatic.

The true tragedy of this reptile is that its plumage is still used for mating behavior, but the desirable traits have changed; what was once theorized to be speed and stamina, displayed in a mating flight, is now big and bright plumage. In a surprising, confusing change of expected norms, the females of this species grow the most spectacular plumage. However, now entirely aquatic, the wings and various sproutings of feathers only serve to slow the reptile down and make it a bigger, brighter target. Many females die to predators in their mating season, and it is expected that the species is likely to soon be extinct.

Some attempts have been made to bring these reptiles back on land; as of yet all have failed, though one researcher reportedly has one that lives entirely within their vast property. Attempts to contact the researcher to study the reptile have all been met with open hostility, lawsuits, and on one occasion, a very accurate warning shot."

"A very heavy, sodden little fish climbs slowly onto the shore beside you, keeping its back gills in the water. The vibrant plumage marks it as a female of its species, a rarity. She trills a greeting and wiggles her wings; seems she's decided to go home with you!"

Blurbs by Solarfox123 :D