


5 years, 10 months ago


Art by Angelica Butterfield

Fierce (to the point she's sometimes quite intense and intimidating, though she doesn't always mean to be), enthusiastic, adventurous, free-spirited, selfless, kind, caring, supportive and somewhat motherly. She can be a bit of an airhead sometimes and she was very clearly spoiled as a child, but her adventures have helped her dull down her entitlement and brattiness and she has actually become a more well-rounded person (or, well, dragon) for it. She used to be rather snobby and unintentionally looked down on those that she spoke to, but she has, with the help of those she met on her travels, realised the 'error of her ways' and tried her best to change for the better. She has learned not to discriminate others based on wealth or status, instead focusing on helping those in need. She is a very soft dragon that honestly wouldn't hurt a fly, but she knows how to look intimidating and to scare off threats to protect herself or others (especially her friends) without actually having to hurt anyone. It does sadden her when others fear her simply because of her appearance, though, so she tried to be less intense, but when she gets excited it's hard for her to get a reign of herself, so she may end up getting into others' faces.

If she was in Hogwarts, she'd be in Gryffindor
