Orion Ikeya



3 months, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Orion Ikeya



Sexual Orientation



Mikazuki (wife), Rigel (son), Choco (dog)




Kind, generous, silly, flamboyant, cheerful

Current Residence

Runewit City, Planet Areius (Alpha Centauri System)


Orion is Rigel's father and Mikazuki's husband. He's cheerful, friendly, and sometimes very silly and dramatic. He's good at making people laugh and can bring out the best the others. He's always been very supportive and encouraging towards Rigel, but would often worry about him since Rigel was shy and didn't make friends easily at school. He was thrilled when Rigel and Altair began dating and would always include Altair in their family activities.


  • Mikazuki - Mikazuki is the more serious one in the relationship, but Orion never fails to make her laugh. She's always appreciated the fact that whenever she felt like giving up, he was always there to give her support. The two of them met in their early 20s. At the time, Mikazuki was a college student studying engineering. She would frequently stop at the coffee shop near her college in-between classes. This was mostly because she had a crush on Orion who was working as one of the baristas (he also had a crush on her). The two of them got along quite well while dating and got married shortly after Mikazuki graduated. 
  • Rigel - Rigel adores his dad, but as a teen sometimes thought he was a little embarrassing due to how flamboyant he could be. However, Orion was always there for him no matter when he needed him and that meant everything to him. While much more of a shy introvert, Rigel still grew up to be just as kind and compassionate as his father. 
  • Altair - To Altair, Orion was the first positive male-role-model he had growing up. In a lot of ways, Altair wished Orion had been his actual father and was envious of Rigel for having grown up with such an affectionate family. Orion always made him feel welcome in the family, even inviting him on family outings sometimes. Altair looked up to Orion and felt comforted by his presence.

  • Orion is a househusband. Even though he loved his job as a barista, after Rigel was born, he stayed at home to raise him so Mikazuki could continue to pursue her dream job. 
  • Orion was adopted and raised by a lesbian couple. He was an infant when he was adopted and has no memory of his birth parents, but he has no interest in ever learning about them. He's still really close to his parents and they also have a good relationship with Rigel and Mikazuki.
  • He loves coffee. 
  • He has a lot of friends, most of which he met at his local library's book club.
  • During the present timeline of the main story, he's currently helping Mikazuki try to find Rigel. He blames himself for Rigel's disappearance and also blames himself for the reason both Altair and Rigel became pirates.