Hello!! These are absolutely adorable, and tbh they’ve been something I really wanted to look into further, so here I am!! Would you take art instead of money? I can do gif icons, static icons, halfbodies, and multiple others that we can discuss if you’d like!! If not, no problem! Have a great day! 💚💚

examples :3? and how much?

Could I send you the pics on disc and we can discuss more there? :0 I have a bunch of examples! My disc is Birdbrainn_ !!

Character(s): https://toyhou.se/24357244.beast / https://toyhou.se/17694512.bree 

Expression(s): happy and a bit sleepy if that makes sense? / cheerful & excited 

Payment (cashapp or paypal): paypal! 

Plushie(s): https://toyhou.se/23614546.vespian / https://toyhou.se/22823290.tieran 

Extra: if you need to simplify any of their designs feel free to! both bree and beast have a chubby body type as well :3

OHH cutecute!! :D
send $22.50 to https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/bonkillbeach and ill get started !!

sent!! :3


Character(s): IC

Expression(s): Happy and/or shy

Payment (cashapp or paypal): Cashapp

Plushie(s): https://images.app.goo.gl/rdTZEvYeRUk6FoN28

Extra: I just met the actor at Megacon who plays Loki (the character plushie) and I'm so happy ;w; So I hope this is okay? But I can change the plushie if you want!

ohh cute !!! :D
send 15 to $bonzikb and ill get started!

Sent! ^_^

ty!! ill start soon :D

hi! hows this?ezgif.com-animated-gif-maker_4.gif?ex=65

1. Can you fix her nose? It is dark blue and the shape of a heart

2. The crescent moons need to be green

3. The yellow on her foot needs to match her hands, where they're only at her toes basically

Other than that, it looks adorable!!

sorry about that! this ok?ezgif.com-animated-gif-maker_5.gif?ex=65

Yes, thank you so much!! I love it!! ;w;

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OHHH I LOVE THEM such a cute design arrgh
send $15 to $bonzikb and ill start right away :3

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hi !! hows this :3


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YAY !! ^_^ lmk if youd like me to add it to both of their galleries :3

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should be pending!! and ahh im so happy you love it wahh ... !!! ty for commissioning me i love both of their designs they were so fun to draw !!

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