Felix of Romania



4 months, 24 days ago



Felix of Romania The Sole Survivor


NAME Felix of Romania

AGE ~430

BIRTHDAY April 21st




JOB Mechanic

ORIENTATION Heterosexual

ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good

AFFILIATION Romanian Royal Court

In his life, Felix was the crown prince of Romania as the eldest son to Grigore and Elisabeta of Romania. He used to be an aspiring general for the army prior to his coronation and honed his military/combat skills throughout his young adulthood. However, after his mother was sired and attacked her family, this led Felix to unintentionally being turned into a vampire as well. Deposed and left entirely alone from the tragedy, the fallen prince has spent his undead years tailing behind the man who destroyed his family in hopes of revenge, as well as saving his mother. Felix has been consumed by his desire for vengeance and clouds his views from almost anything else.


Just like his mother, Felix of Romania has two sides of him. On one hand, the prince retains the capacity of keeping his gentlemanly and regal etiquette from the past. He can speak quite formally and holds generally old-fashioned views on tradition, hierarchy, and gender roles. He can be pretty poised for his exterior looks, which proves to the world that he is indeed capable of containing the wrath inside of him. Felix shows himself to be docile, preferring to be left alone if it results in the least confrontational outcome (at least in a conversational situation). Overall, the prince can be polite and a kind soul if not a bit reserved.

However, the other part of him comes out once his eyes set on the end goal: killing Franz von Thuringen. Felix's entire life plan has revolved around the assasination of his target, which completely blinds him from long-term viewpoints if it means getting what he wants. He can't be a determined soul for holding out this long to do this, but it makes it extremely difficult to reason with the man at times. Felix can be quite violent too, especially when he's riled up; it's best to describe him as a feral beast than a person.

  • Motorcycles
  • Leek Soup
  • Foxes
  • Animal Crossing
  • Franz von Thuringen
  • Being Touched
  • Dirt Smell
  • Being a Vampire

The Crown Prince

Felix was born shortly after the Romanian wedding between Grigore and Elisabeta, promptly being taught how to be a proper prince fit to rule in the future. He partook in a variety of educational services, trainings, and political meetings in order to prepare him for his adulthood. Overall, Felix preferred the sword over his charm, which he felt he lacked in comparison of his father; the young boy looked up to Grigore as a strong role model in his life. The two men bonded as the young prince continued to grow and lead his younger siblings into disciplined lives.

The Catastrophe of Romania

Into his young adulthood, Felix had been arranged marriage with Olimpia of Maldovia who would kickstart his career as the Romanian King. He even enlisted to fight for his country's military, readying himself to lead the troops for any potential conflict. Unfortunately for his family, his mother became more erratic. She receded into herself and acted very strangely for a long while, which Felix did not get to react in time to once the queen showed her true colors.

It seemed like a dream as Elisabeta began to leap onto his siblings, his father and soon even him. The prince did not get trained to fend off something like this- especially given how shockingly strong his mother appeared to be as she turned into a beast. Felix quickly passed out from the shock, so once he came to, everybody around him already had been long dead. He didn't realize it at the time that he had unintentionally been sired into a vampire until he reacted so poorly to sunlight, but the man had a new problem to figure out. Not only had his lovely family been destroyed so swiftly, Felix's entire kingdom fell to the hands of this German lord who swept his mother off her feet.

Search for Vengeance

For the next 400 years, Felix hid himself from revolutionaries and those who hated his mother for her grizzly display. For all Franz von Thuringen knew, his enemies from the Romanian court had been dealt with accordingly, and the deposed prince could not risk being discovered by such a powerful vampire. He jumped around the country in hopes of finding a weak point in the German's side for a potential rescue attempt for his kidnapped mother; however, this isolation has led the man to lose his sanity over the centuries. At the moment, the fallen man works at a mechanic's shop while plotting to assassinate the German lordling.

  • Used to be engaged to Olimpia from the greater noble house of Maldovia. After the destruction of his family, Olimpia had to escape from the Romanian revolution and never knew what happened to her fiance
  • Had the traumatic task of burying the rest of his family
  • Aspires to have an expensive motorcycle, because he finds them very cool. At the moment, he's built his own very retro bike that looks more cartoonish than anything, but it's currently his baby
  • Lives with a roommate who honestly is as anti-social as he is
  • Tends to avoid baths cause Felix has adopted the mentality that he'll get dirty eventually with all the grime, dirt and grease he fiddles with. Felix usually has a very strong oil smell on him
  • Admittedly is suicidal. Has come to terms with finally dying once he saves his mother, especially after the pain he has endured. However, he refuses to die until Elisabeta is safe

ABOUT: Elisabeta of Romania

Felix's mother and sire. He was considered the queen's favorite child, being the oldest, and had moments where she would spoil him. Felix never seemed to be aware of her DID and fondly views her as being a wonderful mother. He doesn't believe what happened was her fault, desperately trying his very best to save her from Franz. Is willing to die for her safety.

ABOUT: Grigore of Romania

Felix's father. He held a deep respect for his father and wanted to be just like him into adulthood. Felix followed in Grigore's footsteps in an attempt to improve the conditions of the country and his people. Still carries the blade that was gifted to him by his father as a momento and a reminder of his strength.

ABOUT: Franz von Thuringen

Felix's enemy. Franz is his target and Felix will do everything in his power to destroy him. He constantly spies on the Baron and understands his schedule with sharp concentration. Will not stop until this man is dead.

ABOUT: Cassandra Aisling

Felix's ally. The two met while he was scanning the place for Franz; they both became acquainted due to Cassandra's extroverted nature. Felix is tasked with being her bodyguard after a kidnapping attempt was placed on her. He generally finds her intimidating due to how open and kind she is.

ABOUT: Olimpia of Maldovia

Felix's former fiancee. While the two did not share the deepest of feelings, Felix was somewhat fond of her. Was ready and willing to marry her. After his death, Olimpia has no idea that he became a vampire and died without him of disease.