


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Elise

Age: 198 (Young Adult)

Height: 5'4"

Body type: Fairly average- not too skinny.

Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Elise once wanted to be the graceful type that imperiously flung around song magic and ran the world with the power of her voice... but then she came to terms with the fact that that wasn't her. She's a sweeter sort of songbird, with a gentle disposition. She values music's ability to influence emotions, and is keenly aware of what her power can do.

Hobbies: Scouring the internet for the latest (and not so latest) hits, dancing, window shopping

Powers: (Not run by higher ups yet, subject to change)

1. Chorus - Takes Elise's singing or speaking and creates a full chorus of many voices from it.

2. Tonality - Creates musical tones that can either be soothing or unnerving.

3. Render - Takes a song or sound that Elise knows well and plays it in the real world (the source will seem to be coming from her). The sound can have any of the effects of her other spells applied to it. Elise does not actually need to sing to play the song/sound, and the nature of the spell allows her to "sing" with someone else's voice. If Elise doesn't remember a portion of the song or sound, or if her concentration is shaken, the playback will be replaced by conspicuous static.

Future Spell Ideas (these are not in play yet!):

4. Arrangement - Takes a sound that Elise makes and applies one of several effects to it. It can apply reverb and distortion, alter the apparent source of the sound, or adjust its volume.

Considering polyglot for tail 5. Sing in EVERY LANGUAGE!

Ear Type: Uncommon, E

Eye Type: Common, Slit Pupil 

Tail Type: Common (3)

Tail Add-On: 2x feathers per tail (Epic)

Elemental Type: Sound

Elemental Spell Slots Available: 3

Phylacteries Available: 3 small OR 1 Medium (Haven't figured them out yet, will add them in when I do)