


4 months, 11 days ago


General Info

Yvonne is a Heroic pathfinder and is a member within the Syndicate Astro Fortuna, being its technical leader. She serves as a character within the Syamo Fanon.

Name: Yvonne
Creation Date: October 17th 2021
BirthplaceGrace Fields
Species: Sollan
  Race: Clercian
    Ethnicity: Sollah
Height: 5'7

Current Residence: Celsus
Solaris Pathfinder
Solaris Rank: Familiar
Relationship status: 

Distinguishing features

Yvonne an average sized light blue shark clercian, she has prominent blue patterns descending down her limbs and her hair is left in two side sweeps and two prominent bangs before extending down to her back. She has small black pupils and is almost always squinting or has bags under her eyes, when indoors she can be seen wearing a dark brown skirt and light blue top, while swimming she isn't wearing these. When at work she can be seen wearing the work uniform of a maid outfit and a slight appearance of dread of tiredness.


Likes: Mushrooms, Rice, Ketchup, lots of ketchup, Sugary items
Dislikes: Humidity, Underwater Pressure,
Fears: Loud sounds underwater, Large underwater things (Whales, Leviathans, Stygiomedusa), Scopophobia
Hobbies/past times: Searching for relics, Sleeping on cold counters, Naps
Guilty pleasures: Trying on outfits
Pet peeves: Loud chewing
Personal goals: ???
Religious values: Belief in the Serene Goddess
General intelligence: Above Average
General sociability: ???

Yvonne is a bit of a confusing person, she usually gives off the appearance of tired, a bit crazy, and somewhat self confident. Outside of her outward showing personality she is a kind person if a forward with her manner of speaking, often leaning into others faces. Though she can be embarrassed or shy it is usually around her tail and when people touch her tail.

Marine Skill: Sound resonance
Yvonne as a Clercian can detect sound around her and usually where it comes from. She often uses this to find others or to locate relics on path finding missions

Sollan Adaptation
Growing up outside of Celsus and being one to go to the lower depths of it Yvonne grew up trying to find things in the dirt, so when forming her adaptation she made one that would allow her to find and retrieve relics easier.
- Adaptation: Sound/Wave Manipulation
Yvonne can generate and move sound waves both underwater and in air, but is more effective underwater, usually she uses the sound waves alongside her Marine skill but can also use it to disrupt or trick foes.


While not inherently bad at it she can come off as very confusing on which side she is on in discussions

Yvonne is very prone to overstimulation due to her Marine skill, Loud sounds in the water are most effective against her and cause her to retreat quickly

Father - While he says he forgives her for leading the Styigomedusa to them she still tries to pay him back so he can forgive her for a reason. She loves her dad dearly and visits him often, as they both live in Celsus it isnt too far of a trip and she enjoys eating with him.

Astro Fortuna



Before moving to Celsus Yvonne's family lived out in the oceans of Sollah, when Yvonne was 7 she accidentally lead the Stygiomedusa back to her family's home and it took her Mother as well as two of her siblings leaving 1 left. After this they both left to the sanctity of Celsus.

Fun facts

Her skin like a shark is rather rough, it is something she is embarrassed about and would rather people not note