Helios Briar Pearl



4 months, 28 days ago


Helios Briar Pearl, also refered to as 'Goldie' by Philosopher's Stone, is one of the main Pearls following along the refered gem, alongside Kintsugi Moon Rose Pearl (refered to as 'Silvia')

Like her counterpart, she is quite calm and not much of a talker, although is more willing to open up than Silvia. She can be considered the extrovert of the two, always happy to go somewhere (that ... doesn't involve important meetings)
Despite rarely using it, she has a fiery rapier she calls the 'Dawn Breaker'. Even if the name can shiver some thimbers, it is just ... quite the simple weapon, really. Because of this though, she is a master in close combat !

She represents Gold in alchemy, explaining her nickname (often refer to as the Sun, with its symbol being ☉ most of the time) and is one of the most important element to create the almighty stone.
Here, in Steven Universe of course, she's just serving said stone, but she is still a pillar to this loose link which is her laboratory ...

When time deserves it, she can fuse with the other Pearl and form Eclipse Mega Pearl, a powerful fusion mixing the physical strength ans sword of Goldie and the magic and defensive powers of Silvia !