


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Dominic

Age: 238 (Young Adult)

Height: 5'7"

Body type: Chubby, a bit extra around the belly.

Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Dominic is a warm, friendly, comfortable sort. He gives off a cozy, inviting feel, and he does his best to make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves. He enjoys using his dream powers to create peaceful environments for others, but he's also quite hard on himself, as he never wants to give into the temptation to create a nightmare for someone.

Hobbies: Snoozing (sounds like a no-duh, but considering it's where he gets most of his practice, it's worth mentioning), dream manipulation... Snuggling? (drawing a bit of a blank here)

Powers: (Haven't run these by the higher-ups yet, subject to change)

1. Dive Space - Allows Dominic to manipulate the dream space of a dreaming target. Typically used to create a therapeutic space for the dreamer where he can interact with them.

2. Cosmocapture - Creates another representation of the dreamer inside the dream space. This representation can symbolize any number of issues or concepts within the dreamer's mind; which ones are not always under Dominic's control.

3. Paradigm Shift - Acts as a sort of reset button for the dream space, dismissing any manipulations to it (and any natural changes). However, a replacement setup must be conjured quickly, as the reset tends to spit dreamers out in a blank space that can sometimes jar them awake.

4. Kaleidosphere - Greatly expands the dream space into something like a world map. The features of the regions are heavily dependent on the dreamer's mind; Dominic has very little control over what pops up. Generally used to allow the dreamer to literally explore themselves.

Ear Type: Epic, M

Eye Type: Common, Cross Pupil 

Tail Type: Common (4) 

Elemental Type: Dreams

Elemental Spell Slots Available: 4

Phylacteries Available: 3 small OR 1 Medium (Haven't figured them out yet, will add them in when I do)