


4 months, 26 days ago


Name: Sangria
How did they get to LMC?: She came to the cattery in a shipping crate on accident. The breeder didn't want her back because she's a problem child
Personality: "Untrainable” but actually just is somewhat stubborn and needs a strong emotional bond with her handler before she wants to work with them. Untrainable, and Jay took that personally. She’s from somewhere warm which is funny because the second Jay let's her out and it's winter she comes right back. “It is cold pls let me inside the house.” - Sangria probably. Like those videos where people open the door and the cat is like: WAHOO FREEDOM. But its -10 and the cat makes a quick turnaround. Stubborn, same energy as an orange cat.
Traits: n/a
Color: Extended Siam Red Brown with Dun and Hangman Pattern -3 Density, Mexico Kiss Mask
Likes: Basking in warm and sunny spots and salmon-flavored food. She also likes to sit on your lap (even though she's a bit big for that now). Probably a habit she never outgrew from when she was a baby.
Dislikes: The cold. She is from a warm climate and strongly dislikes anything under 65F.
Specialty: Tracking