


4 months, 19 days ago


Osier Ulrich ✾



Full Name: Osier Breland Ulrich

Gender & Pronouns: Male; he/him

Age: 14

Race/Species: Vashnu


Alignment: Neutral Good

Description: Osier is an affable boy with a lot of passion in his heart. He is many things: creator, outdoorsman, fighter- and, of course, mage. Preferring to take life with a hands-on approach, Osier learns best when trying something out on his ow. The young zwerge is not one to back away from a challenge, whether that be a new hobby or a duel. An ambivert of sorts, he enjoys being around the people he cares for and finding new friends, but also values his personal time. Osier's enthusiasm comes out when talking about his interests, while a fiery temper can be seen if he feels his loved ones have been insulted or hurt (this has led to more than a few fights). He has learned that if you want something, then you must work for it- including respect. Titles mean little to him. It’s very difficult to get him to drop a grudge, but on the other hand he will always repay a debt. Osier overworks himself trying to live up to his own expectations, wanting to make his family proud. While he does well in a group, he suffers from not asking others for help when he needs it.


Height: 4’2

Description: Osier makes up for what he lacks in height with a heavy, strong build. Has rough skin with a pale tone, round nose, pointed ears, and wide chestnut eyes. The young Zwerge has a bit of a baby face, often leading to him getting underestimated. Osier has thick eyebrows and messy ginger hair usually tied up into a small ponytail. Small, muted brown, curved horns stick out of the top of his head. To make up for his poor eyesight, he wears circular glasses. Uses the alternate uniform, never the winter coat.

-Belongings of Note-

Carved Flute: A handmade flute made entirely of a heavy wood. It's a dark walnut color, well-kept and polished. The barrel has been carved with precise hands into different natural shapes- small vines and leaves, with little flowers- by Osier's grandfather. It was originally made to be a gift for when Osier turned of age, but was given earlier when the young zwerge was accepted into Ravensreach as a parting gift. Osier often plays it in his free time while sitting outside and is very dutiful with keeping it in good shape.


Background: Osier, as many others have, grew up quickly. His more mature nature stems from the fact that as the eldest child he took on many of the responsibilities that were left due to a father gone, and then lost, to war. He aided his mother with the chores, took care of his siblings, worked for his grandfather’s shop, and would assist where he could around his town. The respect that he gained from the elders told him that independence was rewarded, a belief that he took to heart. He feels a sense of guilt at having to leave his family to attend Ravensreach, something he tries to remedy through working hard to become an intelligent, strong zwerge like the ones before him. If he must leave his family, then it will be to make the world a better place for them.


 Always has a project going on, or otherwise seems to be active.

 Likes being in nature and will regularly go out to exercise.