Custom Hyena TBN



4 months, 16 days ago



By Lunalillies on Discord

Words Describing him: Hyena mix, male, switch, cajun, magic bloodline, Joker vibes tbh, masculine, rough, rich af, spoils his partners, bisexual?/allosexual?

His Song Mix?: Copycat, Friends on the Other Side, Villians aren't born, Monster, Smoke & Trouble, Burn it Down, Dirtier Thoughts?

Info: Takes from both his Striped Hyena and Spotted Hyena lineage. Mostly active from dusk to dawn (nocturnal). Territorial to an extent (if the area is more trouble than its worth will abandon), is fine in a group or alone (is a leader of an organized gang but could easily walk away), neither submissive or dominant (is happy with either but refuses to be like his father and let someone else control his life), not really aggressive but does enjoy the occasional fight, his mother left him a decent fortune when she passed, his mother and father were not a couple (they occasionally hooked up and didn't use protection thinking the chances of pregnancy were too slim to worry about), is an only child due to complications during his pregnancy, does not like his father's cackle/clan, get along okay with his mothers family when they briefly see each other, has a harder time bonding with partners but still tries, one night stands are easy, won't sleep with someone else while in a relationship unless hes already discussed the idea with his partner