Carnation "Cary" Spinel



4 months, 24 days ago


Carnation "Cary" Spinel

He/him, jester, young adult

Cary is far too young to have any idea of what his court used to be. A lustrous heart from a vibrant little rose, from the moment he was born he never lost a droplet of his bursting energy. He happened to wander into the right place at the right time- well, to him- and found Piemontite.
Despite his rather unwanted presence in the mansion, he often finds himself wandering it when Piemontite's patience has run a little too thin. He reads every now and again, picking up on little things, slowly coming closer and closer to the truth of the grief settled on the streets of his home. When he's locked away in the basement to keep safe, juggling and playing music for the staff in his company, he knows the tormented howls upstairs are not just monsters. And he swears to himself, no matter what he does, he'll find a way to make what burden those howls whisper easier on Pie's shoulders.