Gamma Captain Dawn



4 months, 30 days ago


⊣ᒷリᒷᓭ╎ᓭ (sim. Dawn)
she / her
5'0" / 154cm
14 (~28.4HY)
felis lampylucidus
positive . neutral . negative

bold. italised. underlined. strikeout. link.

A quote here, if you like.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


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secret ------
text :3 ------

Nulla tempus enim a venenatis rhoncus. Pellentesque venenatis egestas eleifend. Pellentesque eu mauris in mauris cursus egestas eu id velit. Curabitur condimentum ante enim, volutpat malesuada nisl aliquet id.

Nullam congue elementum felis id sollicitudin. Nunc eros neque, sollicitudin ac tempor a, fermentum a mauris. Duis dolor ex, maximus at accumsan at, pretium at nisi. Proin rutrum justo a nisi consectetur tincidunt. Ut a est diam. Integer vehicula ut velit et pulvinar.

Character Creation

The Gamma Captain was created for the purposes of doing edgy, distant, sort-of roleplay whilst playing a decade-old Minecraft modpack with a group of friends. As I had played through the very beginning of the pack myself previously to get a feel for it, and due to the fact I ended up tending towards playing a leadership role in my team of three, I decided that it made sense that I could have been designated as the Gamma team's leader (Note: team names were set by the modpack).

I was initially planning on playing a little more silly, and pulling the whole "ha-ha! I was the imposter from amongus this entire time!" trope, but as myself and my teammates chatted more about interactions & concepts the Captain ended up a little more seriously characterized than I intended. Not complaining!

Due to the fact that she started out as a quickie self-insert, I'm lumping her in with my sonas. ❤︎


↻ ..ı.ıl.ıılı.lılı.ılı..(4:28) ─ Fear as a weapon — but whom is it turned towards? The burning garden plays as a metaphor for her sabotage of her relationships out of fear, struggling with her own fury as well as the dangerous urges brought on by the taint, and as a visual for being surrounded by the aftermath of destructive actions later regretted. At the same time, the song explores concepts of paranoia — about how her superiors might find out about her condition, and what they might already know, and the Captain's general horror towards what technology they have already used en masse — and the fantasies that come of it — about violent outbursts, out of anger towards the position she has been put in, and a wishful future where she can cure herself and leave the Federation for good.

↻ ılı.ılıılııl.ıılıılı.(3:35) ─ Cringe is dead. Rise in arms with me, comrades. Throw off your chains. ...Anyways, good summary of how the Captain feels about her current situation — sent off to do the dirty, hard work of establishing a liveable environment on a planet so deeply uninhabitable, and finding herself both in lethal straits and feeling underappreciated for her immense efforts. Does terror not often morph into feigning monstrous qualities for protection? What does it mean, when the terrified thing is perhaps also a monster?

↻ ıılıl.ıılı.l.ıılıı.lı.(5:07) ─ Lyricless — purely a vibe, in the sort of stressed-out space-y way.

↻ ıllı.l.ııl..l.ııl.llı.(4:48) ─ Lyricless — purely a vibe, in another sort of serious-space-situation way.

[Γ] Wift Somewhat Begrudging

A member of Team Gamma, under my command. They certainly make... a sincere effort. Regardless, they are clumsy, overly-upbeat, and frequently destructive. It is difficult to administer work to them without something going wrong, and assisting them in their requested outings has proven exceptionally challenging due to a seemingly nonexistent response time to incoming danger.

Even so, I cannot... entirely insist upon a vehement dislike of the chiropteran. Wift is persistent, if nothing else, and dedicated to their efforts (however often-ineffective) to further the mission. Their recent work with thaumaturgy is both promising and slowly edging towards impressive. They inexplicably did not... immediately report my condition upon discovery, despite every reason to, as well. Inexplicable, but appreciated. On occasion, their presence is perhaps even, admittedly, somewhat cheering. I could certainly find worse teammates.

[Γ] Root Exasperation

A member of Team Gamma, under my command. Try as I might to persuade them otherwise, they seem intent on spending a majority of their time riddling the planet with unnecessary, convoluted mines. We are hardly in need of further terramaterial currently! I am certain the head of colonization will be furious if she finds out the scale of the possible structural damage — and yet, my requests for reassessment of Gamma's assigned members continues to go denied.

Root has, at least, proven an untiring persistence for meticulous location and removal of the taint. I do not trust the insectoid with any capability to understand the nuances of taint corruption. I must exhibit extreme caution in concealing my condition in their presence. They are a significant threat to my wellbeing.


The captain of Team Delta. Unexpectedly nervous for his position, but performs admirably regardless — especially in the ever-challenging task of feeding a full three-man mission stationed on a primarily uninhabitable planet.

My semiregular visits to the Delta biodome (even on business of an audit) have been... far more relaxed than residing in Gamma's own biodome. I find myself wishing it were more acceptable to dwell longer. Even so, my presence alone seems to result in a heightening of the poor leporidae's heartrate; as such, I do aim to leave their mission to Connie's own devices as much as possible.

[Δ] Izak Gylalt Slight Annoyance

A member of Team Delta. Whilst we have not spoken in length — the neorith has a clear preference for minimal conversation — I initially assumed him someone worth significant respect and possibly a more suitable candidate for Delta's captain role. However, upon further interaction, I have found that he considers me amusing by nature of my disposition in comparison to my size.

Needless to say, what of my respect he had garnered has swiftly been reconsidered; I hope that, considering he is one of the few more stoic members of this mission, we may find a more acceptable working relationship in the near future. Opportunities for cross-team collaboration with Izak could be promising.

[Δ] Phosphorus Neutral

A member of Team Delta? Inexplicably recalled mere days into the mission. Must have had some spontaineous hardware failure; their absence leaves Delta undermanned.

[β] Cptn. Bea Perplexed

The captain of Team Beta. I've yet to meet her. This surprises me. Her presence at Beta's biodome is either extremely scant or extremely private; either way, I cannot help but pity her teammates. I hope her leadership is stronger than I can tell from afar.

[β] Durian Fond / Protective

Despite Durian having been assigned to Beta, whose bio-dome is clear across the continent, and our superiors' displeasure with the imp's delinquency, I have found myself working extensively with them. Their drive for progress nearly matches mine, and their experience with thaumaturgy is proving vital. They understand, in the ways their studies have warped their mind, what I am experiencing. They... have sympathy, and are as furious at our superiors as I am. If I can call anyone on this planet a friend, it is them. Their company and the chance to gripe about the worst of this damned illness has made life bearable.

I suspect it will be by our work that an effective approach to cleansing the planet will be found. I believe Durian is my one chance to be saved. We both hope I'm correct.

[β] C.H.I.L.L. Neutral

A member of Team Beta. While we have not yet met, I hear that the bot is unwilling to leave Beta's biodome? Perhaps machinery is more susceptible to the taint than training had suggested. Even so, he appears to be effectively contributing to his team — though I suppose I have no information on whether he is sentient or merely programmed. Probably an acceptable individual.

[N/A] PHI System Terrified Of

The off-planet station's AI administrator. It knows. It knows. I know it knows. Transfers between mission control and on-planet stations have been prompt and consistent, which is, of course, appreciated. Additionally, the PHI system is effectively classified as one of my superiors, and as such will receive my due respect. It knows. It knows. It has to have seen the discrepancies in my files. It is a machine — uncaring, cruel, and without ethics. It's going to kill me. I need to rip out its fucking wires as entrails and ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓