Marshe Amuria



5 months, 1 day ago


Marshe hails from the big city, to her dismay, working at the convenience store to scrape by. Her hobbies include: getting her slosh on,

- She/Her (MTF transgender)
- 5'5 height
- Tealblood
- Thief of Space (?), Prospit
- Surinam horned frog lusus
- Trolltag: malcontentFarmerette

Extra Fun Facts!

- Her apartment is made to imitate a swamp, to satiate her desire to leave the city sprawl behind and live in the country.
Which she would, if they had a stable internet connection out there.
- Makes up completely batshit insane stories to make herself seem cooler than she actually is. If you bring up something like hiking, she'll say she was sent on a mission by God to summit Mount Everest 200 times and she did it.
It's like an art form in its own regard, a habit of hers that sprung from working her boring dead-end-job and getting bossed around by managers and customers alike.
- She has no real set goal or plans for the future besides a hypothetical 'live out in the woods' scenario, as she never sees developing a craft as worth it and only accumulating more crafts as the way to go.
- Type of girl that will NEVER settle for losing an argument. Even if she is clearly in the wrong and everything supports that conclusion, she will continue to deny until the other person gives up, which is a victory in her eyes.
- i see her  holding "The middle finger" at me...