


5 months, 10 hours ago


There is an old legend that says that the Rishboland Tigers that roam the forests of Sumeru were once Humans. Shroud is one of them. He is the only one that can still turn into his human form, therefore, he tribe has always resented him.

"Shroud" is the name his old tribe gave him, other than that, he doesn't know his real name or even who his parents are. He lived most his life among the Rishboland Tiger tribes in the outskirts of the Avidya Forest, later being expelled from the tribe due to jealousy from the other members. He wandered around the world of Teyvat until one day he came upon the Dawn Winery and decided to camp there. Upon finding him, Master Diluc took him in, and now the two of them are good friends (or even more?). He has lived in the Winery ever since. He is good friends with Captain Kaeya and, although he sort of resents her, Acting Grandmaster Jean is also his friend. 

Shroud uses the short male model in game. His element is electro and he wields a polearm as weapon of choice.