Link to the character: can I DM a link to actual refs? Images are hidden to the public, but the icon is a little representative &

Expression: 1st boi is very very sweet and shy - he’s a glassblower and has been a secret admirer to a young lady for many years and she still doesn’t know it is him! He’s a gentle giant who enjoys life to the fullest! 2nd boy is super chill. He’s very homely and humble. He’s also a lot of fun!

Transparent or simple colored background: simple please! 😊

Hello!! Thank you so much for filling out the form! I apologize so very much for the late response, I’ve been sick with Covid for the past week and haven’t been feeling well to respond back! 

Just to be sure, you wanted to fill two slots for the two separate characters correct? :o And yes you can DM the refs! I also have a discord if that’s easier as well (it’s also morguespirits !) Thank you for your patience I am so sorry I didn’t get to you until now 🙏

Don’t worry at all. I hope you feel better! I added you in disco4 - eternallymax 😊