Ripples Within Starlit Streams



7 months, 30 days ago


RSS - Ripples Within Starlit Streams - 'Ripples' - Anchorage Local Group


Early Generation 3 Iterator

Ripples Within Starlit streams was created for the purpose of photography [mainly for advertisement] and a statement piece by her vain and selective city. Rejecting this and their lack of genuine love and care towards him, he instead sought companionship in his local group and especially his dear senior, The Rebirth of Nine Lives. Growing close to him as a father figure, he aided its struggles with its city and self image immensely in its youth. Continuing past mass ascension, Ripples is able to grow into a silly, friendly, albeit troublemaking iterator with a penchant for bioengineering [especially jokes and gag gifts for her groupmates]. He even manages to pull a girlfriend [Gilded Rose Castle in the Clouds], becoming extremely attached and mushy over her despite how far away she is [with most of her local group believing Rose's existence is another one of Ripples elaborate bits]. However, he's quickly forced to get serious when he discovers pesticide poisoning on Nine's facility grounds, tracing back to an extremely severe case of the Rot he's been trying and failing to manage. Initially trying to bioengineer creatures in a fruitless attempt to help, upon Nine's collapse Ripples' grief and fear compels mew to impulsively rip mewself off the string to find him in the rubble.

Adjusting surprisingly well, Ripples because adept at violence and mauling, steamrolling through regions in a completely blind storm to get to her dad. Afraid of losing momentum, he disregards stopping for coolant, rest, or shelter as often as possible, and spends the few breaks he has in restless panic. Fighting into the heart of the Rot in rather terrible condition, she saves Nine and continues in her rampage collecting members of their local group [and beyond!] to his party. Along the way, one of the members they take in is her dear friend Chicken and Rice Burrito [yes, really], a dumb little malware bug whom she is deeply attached to as the caretaker of. Over time, with the help and love of his found family, Ripples is able to tone back his need to be a 'strong ruthless protector', express vulnerability, and find safety in others, even if being the defacto group leader is stressful! After a long period of being missing from the broadcast network due to the destringing and the ensuing immense longing, she even gets to go visit Rose and finally cuddle her for real! Love wins <3

TL;DR: found family rules, guys.