


4 months, 10 days ago


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Name Rosewood
Nickname/sRose, Rosie
Species Dragon
Occupation Barista
Theme TBD

friendly . easygoing . lazy

to be adjusted into bullet points bc that's how my brain works lmao :')

23-24/M/Barista/Bi/Single/Personality: Laid-back, Cozy, Friendly, Isn't much of a planner, can be headstrong at times and lazy, can be anxious, intoverted, but can open up when he's around friends,creative type/Likes: Crystals/Shiny Rocks(rose quartz is his favorite), coffee, tea, cottage core, art museums, arts and crafts, cozy things, nature/Dislikes: Loud spaces, outdoor activities such as sports, or camping, large crowds, neon colors, cherry flavors, cherries/Backstory:

Raspberries grew up in a steady home with two loving parents and lots of brothers and sisters. (About 6 other silbings, 4 sisters, 2 brothers) He is the second eldest and he had to play babysitter and do a lot more of the chores. He longed for freedom and his own space in the tiny townhouse they lived on the outskirts of a small town. He was an average student and went to community College for his associates, but decided to follow his dream of owning his own coffee shop. So, during the many summers he got off, he worked at the local coffeehouse to learn everything he knows and he plans to open one up soon. He wants to call it "Cozy Coffee"

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