Michael Phelps



5 years, 11 months ago


A creepy obsessor whom kept Cory and his 'brother' Kenzie on drugs for a few years. He did so to ensure their 'loyalty'. Or in other words, kept their brain fired enough to stop them from leaving, or running away. 

Michael from a young age had psychological problems. He was the type of kid who would break the legs of a kitten when left alone with it. The sort of child who quickly became unwanted by his parents.
As he grew older, Micheal began to become involved in street gangs, selling drugs and eventually became the leader of his own gang now aged 24. 

With Kenzie smarts towards chemistry, a new drug was made under Michael's watch. A dangerous, stupidly addictive drug. The recipe for such a thing stolen by a soon fleeing Kenzie. 

After accepting the lose of Kenzie and his drug, Micheal became worse after Cory ran away from him, and now, he'd stop at nothing to have Cory returned. Any expense was expendable. 

He's a risky, untrustworthy man who views people as nothing more than objects. Toys for his bigger games.